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2020/06/09 12:59:06

Internet advertizing (market of the countries of Europe)



2019: Growth of the market by 12.3% to 64.8 billion euros. Russia in top-5

In 2019  Russia entered in top-5 the largest markets of Internet advertizing in Europe, having taken the fourth place. On advertizing expenses in the Internet in absolute expression Russia is advanced by Great Britain, Germany and France. It is specified in the research report of AdEx Benchmark which is kept by the European bureau of Bureau of interactive advertizing (IAB Europe).

According to the experts, the volume of the European market of Internet advertizing in 2019 grew by 12.3% concerning the 2018th and reached 64.8 billion euros. It is twice more than indicator of 2013.

9 of 10 most fast-growing markets of Internet advertizing in Europe in 2019 are the countries representing Central and Eastern Europe

The Russian market of Internet advertizing in 2019 showed 18.6 percent rise, and on growth rates of the Russian Federation it appeared on the seventh place after Serbia, Ukraine, Belarus, Croatia, Turkey and Romania.

The largest segment of Internet advertizing in Russia is advertizing searching (Performance Search), but the category of video advertizing of the Outstream format most quicker grows.

According to a research, in Europe mobile advertizing for the first time occupied a big market share, than desktop. Among formats video share grows — it reached 30% at the end of 2019.

In 2019 the market of online advertizing in Europe for the first time exceeded other media — in them analysts estimated sales of advertizing at 63.7 billion euros. Judging by a research, since 2010 dynamics of reduction of a share of these media and growth of Internet advertizing is observed.

At the same time the Internet advertizing segment shows rather stable growth rates within 11.5%-13.9% in recent years.

10 of 14 states which at the end of 2019 increased expenses on Internet advertizing stronger than the whole Europe in general, represent TsVE

9 of 10 most fast-growing markets of Internet advertizing in Europe in 2019 are the countries representing Central and Eastern Europe (TsVE). 10 of 14 states which at the end of 2019 increased expenses on Internet advertizing stronger than the whole Europe in general, represent TsVE. About 86% of sales of such advertizing in the region are the share of 10 leading countries.Research AdEx Benchmark 2019

2015: In Europe Internet advertizing overtook television both on volume, and on a gain

At the end of 2015 advertizing expenses on the Internet in the European market grew by 13% and made 36.4 billion euros. At the same time expenses on TV advertizing remained approximately at the previous level and made 33.3 billion euros. About it the Vedomosti newspaper writes [1], referring to a research of IAB, IHS Advertising Media Intelligence Service and comScore companies during which analysts studied the markets of 27 countries, including Belarus and Russia.

As a result, Internet advertizing for the first time overtook television on rates of annual growth. According to data retrieveds, in the European countries the media advertizing became the most fast-growing segment on the Internet. For 2015 expenses in this sector grew by 17.2% year on year and made 13.9 billion euros. However, the contextual advertizing which for last year grew by 12.5%, to 17 billion euros remains the largest segment still.

2014: Russia No. 5 on market size

AdEx Benchmark announced results of market research of advertizing of the different countries in 2014. The size of the market of Internet advertizing in Russia was 1.8 billion euros allowed the country to take the fifth place among the states of Europe. On this indicator Russia concedes only to Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy. At the end of 2014 the market of Internet advertizing in Russia grew by 17%.

Details over all countries in the presentation.


The size of the market of Internet advertizing in Europe in 2011, according to a research (Interactive Advertising Bureau - IAB), reached 20.9 billion euros that is 14.5% more than a similar indicator of 2010. Without an online advertizing segment the European advertizing market for 2011 practically did not grow (growth was 0.8%).

About 9.7 billion euros in the market of Internet advertizing in Europe in 2011 were the share of contextual advertizing and about 7 billion euros - on media. Analysts noted that the market of online advertizing in Russia in 2011 in many respects grew at the expense of contextual advertizing.

The volume of the Russian market of online advertizing grew in 2011 by 55.5% and reached 1.12 billion euros that made it the sixth in value among the European countries.

In addition to Russia (see Internet advertizing (the market of Russia), the greatest growth rate of the market of online advertizing Serbia - about 46% for 2011 showed, and most slowly the market grew in Norway and Romania - by 5.5% and 4.6% respectively.

The volume of five largest markets of online advertizing in the European region, according to IAB, is 67.9% of the total volume of the European market. At the same time the share of these countries as note in IAB, decreases. Five largest markets of online advertizing are Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands.

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