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Баннер в шапке 2
2017/12/03 11:00:21

Magnetic and resonant spectroscopy


The magnetic and resonant spectroscopy (MP spectroscopy) allows to obtain information on metabolism of a brain noninvasively.

2017: Studying of dependence on smartphones

On November 30, 2017 the annual meeting  of Radiological society of North America  (Radiological Society of North America, RSNA) began at which researchers provided scientific confirmation to the fact that the dependence on smartphones and the Internet can cause an imbalance in brain chemistry.

The group of scientists of the Korean university in Seoul used a method of the magnetic and resonant spectroscopy (MRS) for comparison of a brain of smartphone and Internet and dependent teenagers and a check group from those who have no similar dependences.  Researchers found out that the ratio of a neurotransmitter of GAMK gamma aminobutyric acid (gamma aminobutyric acid — GABA) and a neurotransmitter of a glutamate glutamine (glutamate-glutamine — Glx) was much higher in front zone bark of teenagers with Internet and the smartphone addiction, than at healthy examinees of a check group. GAMK inhibits or slows down brain signals while Glx forces neurons to become more electrically excitable. Read more here.