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Administration of Nizhny Novgorod




+ Administration of Nizhny Novgorod

Digital transformation of the municipality experience of Nizhny Novgorod


On the way to digital transformation, Nizhny Novgorod needed to solve the problems of developing digital services, improving the quality and availability of data and overcoming the shortage of competencies


  • Nizhny Novgorod is a million-plus city with the necessary scale to implement digital transformation
  • The high importance of digital transformation in the agenda of the city leadership
  • Majority of Nizhny Novgorod residents (84%) support the introduction of modern digital technologies in the city
  • A large number of large IT companies and a strong IT initiative community
  • Advanced training system IT personnel
  • Good provision of citizens with communication infrastructure (mobile communications, Internet) and high penetration of smartphones into everyday life


  • Low degree of development of digital services for residents
  • A small part of the data is digitized, the data is poorly integrated, the data management processes are in the early stages of maturity
  • Low level of digitalization of key areas of urban sectors
  • Low level of digitalization of processes within the city administration (personnel, finance, procurement, etc.)
  • A significant part of citizens (up to 20%) never used the Internet (the reason is more the number of pensioners who do not use digital services)

The assessment was carried out in March-April 2019 on the basis of interviews with key employees of the administration of Nizhny Novgorod, a survey of representatives of the administration and IT community of Nizhny Novgorod, expert opinions. Data from the presentation of Alexei Karapuzov, TAdviser IT Conference in the State Sector 2020

The goal of digital transformation is to increase the ĸachestva of life of citizens by developing gorodsĸikh services and services through the use of digital technologies