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Dabeinong Technology Group





2019: Mafia uses drones to infect the cattle with plague

At the end of December, 2019 one of the largest Chinese producers of forages for animal Dabeinong Technology Group told that it used the radio transmitter for fight against mafia groupings which using drones infect pigs with plague.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of China, criminal groupings initiate the outbreaks of pork plague on farms and force owners to sell healthy animals at much lower prices.

Dabeinong Technology Group told that it used the radio transmitter for fight against mafia groupings which using drones infect pigs with plague

As the state could not cope with "pork" mafia, farmers fought back criminals independently. As a result the pig-breeding company Dabeinong threatened air traffic in the northeast of China. Airplanes in this region could not define the location because of the so-called "GPS glushilki" distorting a satellite signal. Usually such devices are used by army to protection against the managed missile weapon, but in China it was used by farmers to bring down the drones started by mafia from a route.

Dabeinong in stated that farmers of pig farm from the Province of Heilongjiang inadvertently violated rules of civil aviation. Involuntary criminals handed over the used equipment to the authorities and paid a penalty.

However it does not solve a problem of fight against "pork" mafia. The authorities cannot cope with criminals as the infected livestock of pigs cannot be withdrawn — in the illicit way transport sick animals to net regions, bribing regulatory authorities and forging certificates. The Ministry of Agriculture reported that in 2019 the livestock of pigs in China, the world's largest producer and the consumer of pork, was reduced by 40% in comparison with 2018. At the same time increase in prices for pork became one of factors of acceleration of inflation which in November, 2019 reached the highest values for the last eight years.[1]
