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With the assistance of IT company and financing of Bortnika fund in Russia in the spring of 2013 the expert network Expinet is announced.



It represents a communication framework within which specialists share results of the professional work, carry out expertizes (including collective), estimate competences of each other. The cloud platform of expert network Expinet is constructed on the principles of post-crowdsourcing, information transparency and actually is model of collective intelligence.

During the project of creation of a cloud platform of network examination the IT company at a financial support of Bortnika fund carried out research works on the detailed description of post-crowdsourcing technology. Mathematicians, psychologists, sociologists, competences and semantic networks specialists were involved to researches. One of the main motivations of experts in participation in network is collective "consumption" of information as now any professional is not capable to cover alone all information on the subject. Also it was revealed that the main measurable characteristic of the expert is the range of its competences which is unique for each professional.

The expert network Expinet represents a communication framework which algorithms of activity allow to organize effectively collective work, raising total IQ communities. Articles are published in expert network, literature on a professional subject is reviewed, projects, both participants of network, and provided to examination are discussed. At the same time it is important to understand that Expinet not only carries out custom (paid) expertizes of projects, but also reviews all literature on the subject.

The main difference of expert network from social networks popular now that Expinet is under construction on the terms of complete information transparency for her members. Membership in network has restrictions on the level of competence of the expert, and conditions of participation provide cross liabilities.

Expinet integrates professionals from all regions using different instruments of access. Therefore services of expert network have cloud (platform and independent) character.

Actually expert network is model of so-called collective intelligence, and the customer addresses it as to the supercompetent specialist for examination, without penetrating into details of its implementation. The expert network itself will organize selection of experts taking into account required competences, lack of affiliation, compliance of cost of examination, etc. For these purposes the development of IT and Higher School of Economics National Research University providing functions of semantic search, allowing to pick up effectively experts is used. The same algorithms give the chance to experts to find articles and colleagues on their competences, to prompt reviewers, etc. The developed algorithms of relative rating provide objective assessment of experts, determining the level of their competences. As the possibility of operational and high-quality conducting examinations, ability to effectively organize communications of experts will be the consumer cost of Expinet for customers is the main advantage of network.

Among customers to whom possibilities of expert network – the state departments, funds of development, non-profit partnerships, scientific centers and also the large vertically integrated holdings having scientific and design institutes can be useful and interesting.

The prototype of a software platform of expert network is created based on the open source Alfresco and on the basis of the requirements prepared at stage research. The prototype is used for automation of work of community of IT experts. Besides, Expinet was involved in projects among which, for example, examination of "The strategy of development for the information technology industry of the Russian Federation" prepared by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications at the end of April, 2013. As the strategy of development for the industry affects different aspects, the representative group of 15 experts among whom there are heads of IT services (including regional departments), heads of the IT companies, representatives of universities and scientific organizations in the field of IT, etc. was created.