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Jakarta EE (before Java EE)

Developers: Oracle, Eclipse Foundation
Last Release Date: March, 2018
Technology: Development tools of applications


In 2018 by Java EE it was renamed into Jakarta EE.

Development History

2018: Renaming into Jakarta EE

In March, 2018 the Eclipse Foundation non-profit organization announced change of the name Java EE (Java Platform Enterprise Edition)  in Jakarta EE. Rebranding happened upon the demand of Oracle.

Oracle transferred the Java EE project of the Eclipse Foundation organization which supervises  development of the platform for creation of integrated development environments and different projects in language Java. The initiative of Oracle was supported by the companies IBM and Red Hat which are the largest participants of development of Java EE.

Java EE was renamed into Jakarta EE in March, 2018

Oracle perelitsenzirovat the Java EE technologies and practices connected with the GlassFish project including reference implementations, sets for assessment of compatibility (TCK) and all documentation. All property rights on these technologies were assigned by Eclipse Foundation, however Oracle prohibited to use the Java EE brand therefore in Eclipse Foundation started vote on change project names.

About 64.4% of survey participants gave votes for Jakarta EE, the second option — Enterprise Profile — gained 35.6%.

Eclipse Foundation announced need to use the name Jakarta EE instead of the name EE4J which was initially used as designation  of the project  in Eclipse. The right to use the Jakarta EE trademark in third-party products will be granted on the basis of passing of the special program of confirmation of compatibility.

However the program of testing  is not developed yet  —  the working group EE.Next of Eclipse fund will be engaged in its creation. Meanwhile the managing director of development Oracle committee is transformed to   the Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J) and Project Management Committee (PMC) groups.

Oracle reserved the right participation in  development of the existing Jakarta EE projects  and also  will reserve accomplishment of all obligations to users, clients and  partners.[1]

2017: Announcement of Java EE 8

On September 22, 2017 the company Oracle announced the Java EE 8 specification (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 8) and opened server applications GlassFish 5.0, positioned as reference implementation of this specification.

Java EE 8 will become the last release created by forces of Oracle. There are plans of transfer to Eclipse fund of Java EE technology and an operating time connected with the GlassFish project including reference implementations, sets for assessment of compatibility (TCK) and documentation. Further development of Java EE within independent model of development with the flexible system of licensing is supposed and[2] open decision making process[2].

Main changes

  • The version of Servlet API 4.0 with support of HTTP/2 protocol;
  • JSON binding API for manipulation with data in the JSON format is provided and possibilities of JSON-P 1.1 are expanded;
  • Support of the events initiated by the server (Server-Sent Events) is added to JAX-RS and new client API (REST Reactive Client API) is implemented;
  • Transferable Security API for access control in the applications started in the cloud systems and PaaS is added;
  • The large portion of improvements in CDI, including support of asynchronous events is entered;
  • Support of opportunities of Java SE 8 is provided (Data & Time API, Streams API, expanded summaries);
  • Upgraded versions of API:
    • Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) 2.0
    • The Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B) 1.0
    • Java Servlet 4.0
    • Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) 2.1
    • JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.3
    • Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P)1.1
    • Java EE Security API 1.0
    • Bean Validation 2.0
    • Common Annotations 1.3
    • Java Persistence 2.2
    • Java API for WebSocket 1.1
    • JavaMail 1.6

2014: Oracle prepares Java EE 8

On October 22, 2014 the Oracle corporation announced achievements in development of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition platform (Java EE), provided the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1 application server with support of the updated platform, new functionality and the improved development environment.

Java EE 8 - the Java EE platform of new generation, is approved by executive committee Java Community Process (JCP) as the change request of the Java Specification Request (JSR) 366 specifications. Its release is planned in 2016.

Java EE 8 will provide the improved support of HTML5 for availability of scalable services on mobile devices and in browsers, ease of use for performance improvement of application development and reduction of volumes of the sample code and also cloud implementation for transferable applications in cloud environments.

Oracle announced also continuation of implementation of innovations in Java Platform, Standard Edition platform 8 (Java SE 8).

New opportunities of Java EE

The approved requests of JSR which implementation is expected in Java EE 8:

  • Java API for JSON Binding 1.0 (JSR 367) is binding of Java objects and their JSON representations
  • Java Message Service 2.1 (JSR 368) is compliance to standard CDI and increase in convenience of using
  • Java Servlet 4.0 (JSR 369) is support of HTTP 2.0
  • Java API for RESTful Web Services 2.1 (JSR 370) — the events sent by the server
  • Model-View-Controller 1.0 (JSR 371) — standardized, focused on actions the MVC environment
  • JavaServer Faces 2.3 (JSR 372) — the improved AJAX API interface

Additional JSR are planned, including:

  • Java EE Security 1.0 is simplification of development of safe applications
  • REST Management 1.0 is management and monitoring using RESTful for Java EE application servers
  • JSON Processing 1.1 is the improved support [[of Java SE 8 and editing/conversion of model of objects of JSON.

2012-2013: Java EE 7

The Oracle corporation provided in the fall of 2012 of achievement in development of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition platform (Java EE) and plans of rather future version of Java EE 7 which release took place in the second quarter 2013.

"Recent initiatives of perspective development of Java EE 7 allow us to concentrate on some functionality which is most demanded by developers such as support of HTML 5, caching and mode of batch processing, simplification of the JMS 2.0 API interfaces, the improved approval of the Managed Beans components and the client JAX-RS 2.0 API interface. We are glad to give the next version directly to hands of developers — Cameron Purdy, the vice president of Oracle for development told. — Java EE is already used in environments of cloud computing in product lines of Oracle and solutions of other suppliers, and we actively plan the following steps on creation of the version of Java EE 8 which promises to create applications of Java even more mobile in a cloud environment".

Change requests of specifications (Java Specification Requests, JSRs) in Java EE 7 are developed in the mode of complete transparency within process of Java Community Process (JCP) by hundreds of engineers more than from 30 countries at close interaction with task force and free access to work materials.

4 new requests of JSR for Java EE are in development process, and 10 existing requests of JSR for Java EE 7 — in the course of updating. New change requests of the Java EE 7 specification: Java API for WebSocket (JSR 356), JCache – Java Temporary Caching API (JSR 107), Batch Applications for Java Platform (JSR 352) and Java API for JSON Processing (JSR 353).

According to Oracle, in Java EE 7 it is going to implement a number of new features which will help to facilitate creation of scalable HTML5 applications, including support of the I/O Servlet 3.1 API API interfaces for not blocked (managed by events) transactions of input-output, JCache, JSON-P, WebSockets, JAX-RS 2.0 Client API, generation of schemes from Java Persistence API (JPA) - classes and also the improved possibilities of a security setting that it is especially important for the applications developed in cloud environments.

Besides, the version of Java EE 7, as expected, will include a number of the opportunities allowing to increase efficiency of developers. Among these opportunities: the improved metadata for the resource description, approval of the Managed Beans components (including transactional interceptors) and validation at the level of methods using the Bean Validation 1.1 specification.

Updating of a message transfer service to the version of Java Message Service (JMS) 2.0 (JSR 343 request) will make development of summaries, simpler and convenient thanks to support, standard CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) and the API interface of the JMS provider providing portability (portability).

The GlassFish Server application server, being basic development for the Java EE platform, represents not only the finished implementation of Java EE 6 (available open source in edition GlassFish Server Open Source Edition and in the form of a proprietary commercial product of Oracle GlassFish Server), but also forms a basis for future version of Java EE 7, noted in Oracle.

Already early GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4 options contain future Java EE 7 technologies, such as Servlet 3.1 NIO and WebSockets. Developers can load the newest assemblies of the application server from the website glassfish.org and begin to test them, sending responses to task forces.

One of the main opportunities of the new version of Java in Oracle call fast bilateral interaction of server applications with the client interface on HTML5 which is provided due to support in Java EE 7 of the programming interface HTML5 WebSocket.

Among other features — the built-in means of support of the text interchange format data of JSON and a possibility of service bigger, in comparison with the previous version, the number of simultaneous users. High-speed performance and scalability of Java are improved; for example, package tasks can be divided into fragments that provides stabler performance of OLTP-applications.

Development on Java EE 7 is supported in the environment of NetBeans 7.3.1 and in early assemblies of Eclipse Kepler, report in Oracle. The problems which arose during the work on Java EE 7 were not mentioned in the announcement. In particular, sale of the mechanism of caching for which programmers wait long ago was postponed until the version of Java EE 8. It was also going to add a number of functions for cloud computing, but they were postponed until the next version too not to delay release of the seventh.
