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Kaymin Vitaly Adolfovich

Kaymin Vitaly Adolfovich  is a professor, the doctor of computer sciences, the author of basic textbooks of information science for universities and schools, full member, academician International Academy of Informatization.

Biography, career

Was born  on May 22, 1946 in Moscow. The father  is Kaymin Adolf Antonovich, the engineer, the chemist, the inventor of the latest current sources,  1909 rozhd. Mother  — Kaymin (Pimenov) Varvara Grigoryevna,  1916 rozhd. long-liver of Moscow.

Work and study in MIEM

  • Studied in MIEM from 1964 to  1969. During study was Fizmatshkola's director of MIEM and the organizer of the Olympic Games of mathematics. Graduated from MIEM in  1969 majoring in ADP equipment the Pennant Worked as the engineer in experimental design bureau. Was engaged in software development of design automation of logical networks on BESM-6. In  1972  evening FPM MIEM ended in 1972 specialty "Applied mathematics".
  • Studied in MIEM in a postgraduate study from 1974 to  1977 in "An information theory and the Engineering Cybernetics". Developed software for space exercise machines based on PEVM. Gold medal of VDNH  of 1977. Candidate of Technical Sciences after successful defense of a thesis in MIEM in  1977.

Work in experimental design bureau the Pennant

From 1969 to 1972 work in experimental design bureau the Pennant as the software engineer - development mathematical and the software of the Automatic design system of digital devices for the Soviet Missile defense system based on BESM-6 with Dispak OS.

In parallel training in MIEM at evening Fak of Applied Mathematics which successfully completed protection of the degree project on mathematical to bases of modeling and design of digital devices of the Systems of Missile Defence.

The designed Avtoproyektirovaniya System earned NABESM-6 from the second start-up from our Supercomputer. At the heart of development methods of structured design of flowcharts on model of team of the leading programmer were put.

Work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR: Diplomatic Academy of 1978-1980. Software development of Dialogue information systems for diplomats. At the heart of the Project of Dialogue Information and analytical systems language of requests to a computer with logical connectives - a prototype of language of requests to relational databases was put.

In parallel in  1978 — 1980 work in MIEM: Teaching algorithmization and programming from 1980 to   1988 1983 — 1984. Participation, victories and the organization in Moscow the first student's Olympic Games on programming with debugging of programs to the EU a computer.

In parallel in MIEM Technology of Programming rate for students of older years and first-year students of MIEM was delivered and researches in the field of programming methodology are begun. Also the first in MIEM student's Olympic Games on programming on a computer were held.

Work and developments in MIEM

From 1980 to 1988 work in MIEM as the senior teacher and the associate professor. Setting of "Bases of Algorithmization and Programming" rate for Fak's students of Applied Mathematics on the basis of methods of structured design of programs for the EU of a computer, CM of a computer and personal computers.

Development of methods and technology of evidential programming as bases of the theory and practice of software development of a computer. Development of new curricula and programs of training of specialists "Software of a computer".

Creation of Student's Scientific and production associations on development of programs for personal computers of domestic and import production. Development of Office Suites of Programs for school personal computers and personal computers.

Participation in the space Snow-storm project

Participation in software development for the project of the Snow-storm spaceship with an onboard computer onboard. Participation in 1994-96 in developments and implementation of production software for the GAP projects  — Flexible automated production of MEP-MIEM for the MEP plants.
During the space Snow-storm project the technology of development of onboard software was developed for domestic computers with ensuring the highest level of reliability of onboard software for a computer - Electronic Computers and Automated systems based on Domestic computers.
The main results - the proyektirovniya offered a method, documentation and testing of the software for spaceships and rockets was implemented in NPO Energiya in development of onboard software of the Snow-storm spaceship with the on-board computer on borta - for the first time in the world.

From 1981 to 1988 directed department Software of department of Cybernetics of MIEM and training of specialists in "Software of a computer".

During the researches on programming methodology the technology of evidential programming directed to development of the reliable software with correctness proofs of the developed computer programs is developed.

Laboratory of information science of MIEM

  • From 1980 to  1988 the founder and the head of the Information Science of MIEM laboratory. Development of the first school textbook of information science by machine option of training. Approbation of a school course of information science based on Fizmatshkola MIEM. Development of basic software packages on information science for school computers.

In laboratory of information science of MIEM in 1986-89gg. basic software packages on were developed for training in information science at personal computers of Yamkh, BK, the Corvette, UKNTs. In 1989 to the basic pact of programs in information science for schools Serebryannaya a medal of VDNH was awarded.

In 1989-91gg. the basic software package on information science was implemented for IBM PC personal computers as a part of a series of the Edit text editor, spreadsheets of Calc, the Base database, the interpreter of a Prologue Prolog, the keyboard Tutor exercise machine and the electronic textbook Teacher.

 1987 a victory in tender of textbooks of information science for high schools. The beginning of rates by a technique of teaching information science at schools using personal computers and basic software packages for the personal computers extending in a type of the Open source and Free software.

Work in MGI of Improvement of Teachers

  • From 1988 to  1991 the deputy the director of MGI of Improvement of teachers. The organization and carrying out professional development course of teachers of information science in Moscow and the Soviet Union in  1988 — 1991. The organization of Association of Teachers and Teachers of Information science in  1991.

Organization of the All-Russian and International conferences "ITO-91-08: Information Technologies in Education. Development in  1994 of electronic textbooks exercise machines on information science. Development and the edition of the textbook of information science for going to the universities with examinations on a computer. Carrying out in Moscow the first Olympic Games on information science with solving of tasks on a computer.

Work in MATI on textbooks by information science

  • From 1983 to 1988 work as professor of MATI on preparation of textbooks on information science for students of universities and textbooks by information science for going to the universities of the Russian Federation. The textbook by information science for going to the universities twice in 1994 and 1996 received a signature stamp "It is recommended for going to the universities of the Russian Federation".

  • In 1998 after the victory in tender of textbooks of Goskomvuz of the Russian Federation was the signature stamp "Is received it is recommended Inisterstvom Obrazovaniya to the Russian Federation for going to the universities". Three practical works - a practical work of work with office suites, works with Internet technologies and a practical work of solving of tasks on computers on the basis of which acceptance of examinations in information science on a computer was carried out were the main thing in high school and school textbooks.

  • In 1998 protection of the doctoral dissertation on an academic degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) and the doctor of computer sciences in the International Academy of Informatization on set of works  — more than 20 books and textbooks on information science and programming for universities and schools. Since  1998  — the cofounder and the vice president of the World Distributed University at MAI.

The world Distributed University

  • In  1988 the organization of the World Distributed University at the International Academy of Informatization for training of doctors and masters of computer sciences and business administration on Internet technologies, E-commerce, Project management and the computer right. Creation of the Electronic university WDU and a packet the Internet of textbooks on e-commerce, Internet technologies and project management for distance learning and training of doctors and masters of the computer right and business administration on the basis of the Open source software.

Mission of WDU: training of masters and doctors of science in the field of e-commerce, project managements, Internet technologies and corporate systems in compliance and the international standards based on the Open source software using the most modern domestic computer systems and technologies.

International activity

  • Since  2001 holding the international workshops and conferences on e-commerce, distance learning, Linux technologies and Open source software in Moscow, Sochi, Atyrau, Alma-Ata.

  •  2005 — 2008 holding the international workshops "Technologies Linux and the Open source software" under the auspices of UNESCO together with corporation IBM, MPGU, Linuxcenter and Mandriva companies.

Developments of packets of the Open source software

  •  2006 — 2007 development of basic software packages on information science based on the Open source software (Open source software) for universities and schools and the distribution kits "Technologies Linux and Open Source Software" together with Linuxcenter and NPO Network.

  • 2007 — 2009. Development of manuals and textbooks on information science for preparation for Uniform examinations of the Unified State Examination in information science according to requirements and the USE specifications based on the licensed commercial software (in the environment of Windows) and open source domestic software (in the environment of Linux).

Zvorykinsky project

The purpose of the Zvorykinsky Project - to Give the chance to thousands of young people to implement the scientific potential in Russia, to become successful and rich through commercialization of the projects.

  1. information science at schools and universities
  2. Library of Internet textbooks
  3. Prologue and logical programming
  4. Super-Kompyyuternye of Technology

Internet technologies in education

V.A. Kaymin's contribution to development of Internet technologies and education.

Internet technologies

Computer Right

Technologies of Distance Learning

Online projects


Books, textbooks

  • Kaiming V. A  .  Information science. The textbook for students. M.,INFRA-M, 1999 — 2009.
  • Kaiming V. A  .  Information science. The textbook for school students. M, Avenue, 2007 — 2009.
  • Kaiming V. A  .  Information science. A benefit to examinations. M.RIOR, 2004 — 2008.
  • Kaiming V.  A.  Bases of evidential programming. M.,IEM, 1987.
  • Kaiming V.  A.  Methods of development of programs., MIEM, 1985.
  • Kaiming V. A., Piterkin  V. M.  Fundamentals of information science and VT, M.MIEM, 1985.
  • Kaiming V. A., Kaiming S.V., etc. The basic software package for IBM PC. M, VAK, 1984.
  • Kaiming V. A., etc. Fundamentals of information science and VT. The textbook for schools. M, Education. 1989.
  • Kaiming V. A., etc. Information science and distance learning. M, WDU, 1998.
  • Kaiming V.  A.  Scientific bases and technique of teaching information science. Pskov, IPK RO. 1992.

Other activity

  • Internet. Development of the websites and blogs in the Internet.
  • Distance learning via the Internet.
  • Law, lawyer activity.


Skis, run, dances.

Internet, blogs, websites.

Books on mathematics and programming.


Has two children, three grandsons. The son  is Sergey,  1973 rozhd, the system developer Prolog and basic software packages on information science. The daughter  is Olga,  1974 rozhd., the coauthor of textbooks on information science.

See Also

information science


logic in information science

computer right

Social science

technology of programming

programming methodology

Evidential programming

IT project management

Innovations in information science and ICT

open source software

Technologies of Distance Learning

External links