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AIS Record

Developers: FORS group
Last Release Date: 2019/01/17
Branches: Government and social institutions,  Construction and industry of construction materials
Technology: EAM,  GIS - Geographic information systems,  Time recording


The AIS "Record" is schedule system and control of works on service of road infrastructure.

Developed especially for needs of the industry, the AIS "Record" will provide control of work of contractors in real time and will help to reserve budgetary funds.

2019: Inclusion in the Register of the Russian information systems and databases

On January 17, 2019 the FORS company reported that as a result of the expertize which is carried out by special council at the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the AIS Record software product was recognized to the relevant requirements imposed to the Russian software and got approval for inclusion in the Register of the Russian information systems and databases.

AIS "Record"

According to the company, the AIS Record is included in the Register by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 11/30/2018 No. 665 at registration No. 4999, registration certificate No. 2018616087 of 12/3/2018. Class software to which the product — monitoring systems and managements belongs, information systems for the solution of specific industry tasks.

The FORS delivers this system as a product for the solution of various problems of the road industry — planning and control of works on service of roads, maintaining the register of objects of road economy, planning of the budget, inspection of work of contractors, a reporting preparation. Collecting of telemetered informations is performed using mobile application.

System implementation provides digitalization of a roadwork, rational use of resources and as a result — significant economy of financial resources.

The AIS Record is the completely domestic development having modular architecture and based on open standards. For January, 2019 it is the only automated system of such industry orientation in the Russian market.

Sergey Chistyakov, Head of Department of development of complex projects of FORS group company


Opportunities and the making systems

For June, 2018 the AIS "Record" provides following features:

  • Transition from manual calculation to exact calculation of the budget on the basis of procedural requirements
  • Remote control of performance of work by contractors by means of photo and video fixing, including video reports
  • Transition to the electronic journal of execution of works on repair and the maintenance of roads
  • Payment of work upon existence of reports, remote control of quality of work of contractors

According to information FORS group, a system helps with implementation of the priority draft "Safe and Qualitative Roads" of the state program "Development of the transport system", providing:

  • Maintaining the register of objects of road and transport infrastructure with a geobinding
  • Planning of a roadwork and control of their accomplishment
  • Collection of information about the performed roadwork, including data on warranty obligations of contract organizations
  • Planning of expenditure of means of the relevant road funds
  • Reduction of a road network in a normative transport and operational status (due to carrying out the corresponding roadwork)
  • Providing bilateral ties with users of highways using portals and mobile applications
  • Providing the necessary security level of traffic regarding reduction of places of concentration of road accident
  • Increase in level of satisfaction of citizens with a status of a road network

The making systems

  • Accounting of objects of road economy
    • Maintaining the register of passports of the highways which are made out on highways and sections of highways of regional, intermunicipal and local value: their structure, characteristics, requirements to contents, improvement and repair.

  • Planning of the budget

    • Costs planning on maintenance and repair of highways and sections of highways on the basis of the regulatory information, including: formation of title lists; formation and accounting of local estimate calculations on execution of works.

  • Execution and control

    • The actual accounting and monitoring of data on the carried-out works on highways and sections of the highways connected with their contents and repair during the summer and winter periods.

  • Inspection of work of contractors

    • Automation of work of inspectors on monitoring and control of quality of contents and repair of highways and sections of highways.

  • The reporting in a system

    • Formation of summary analytical reports on all information which is stored in a system, drawing up rating of the servicing organizations for performance of agreements.

  • Telemetry in a system

    • Collecting of telemetered informations using mobile application. Display of tracks of journey of the equipment using GIS. Formation and receiving tasks to the contractor through mobile application.

Mobile application

For June, 2018 together with the AIS "Record" mobile application is provided for control of work of contractors. With its help it is possible to receive daily photo or video reports.

How it works:

  • The contractor sees all list of tasks, available to it, in the application. For each task the parameters.
  • In the morning the contractor sends the video report where he removes the equipment, people and tells about the plans for day.
  • The application writes its track which can always be traced in a system.
  • The contractor photographs and shoots video on phone about results of the work. Files are automatically saved with a geotag.