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IBM Food Trust

The name of the base system (platform): Projects based on blockchain technology
Developers: IBM
Last Release Date: October, 2018
Branches: Trade

2018: Start in commercial operation

In October, 2018 IBM brought into commercial operation a blockchain platform for tracking of supply of IBM Food Trust food, and retailers already tested new technology.

The blockchain platform passed test within 18 months among retail dealers, suppliers and producers of the food industry before being selected on the market. The first big customer, Carrefour, started IBM Food Trust in more than 12,000 shops in 33 countries and is going to expand use of the platform worldwide by 2022. The Walmart company also showed willingness to use a blockchain platform of IBM to monitor delivery of fresh products.

IBM brought into operation a blockchain platform for tracking of supply of food

Though initially IBM Food Trust was created to provide supply of quality food, the platform can perform a set of functions – for example, to estimate efficiency and vremyazatrata of deliveries using Internet of Things and big data. Thanks to blockchain technology all interested persons can see all necessary information, a system is absolutely transparent. The IBM Food Trust platform is already used by such retailers as Topco Associates, Wakefern, Beefchain, Smithfield and many others. Suppliers can load free of charge data into IBM Food Trust network, but modules of the software are available to retailers for a monthly fee not less than $100 which depends on a goods turnover of the company. These modules include Trace for tracking of deliveries, Certifications for verification of digital certificates and Data Entry and Access which manages data of a blockchain platform.

According to IBM, further the platform will include sensor systems for automatic introduction of data and the diagnostic equipment for ensuring quality of foodstuff. For IBM tracking of deliveries - only one of areas for use of blockchain technologies. The company also offers blockchain platforms for financial services, advertizing, sales of jewelry and the organization of navigation.[1]
