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Moxi (robot nurse)

Developers: Diligent Robotics
Last Release Date: October, 2018
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Robotics

2019: Beginning of sales

In the middle of October, 2019 the Diligent Robotics company announced release of the robot nurse by the name of Moxi. The robot already passed all necessary tests in four hospitals of the USA and successfully proved ability to integrate into the existing health care model.

Socially oriented mobile robots long time were considered as the possible solution of acute shortage of nurses in the USA. Therefore at early development stages of the robot nurse the Diligent Robotics company got serious support from True Ventures investment company and National scientific fund which gave to the company a series of grants for researches.

Moxi robot

Moxi - the socially oriented intelligent robot who can help nurses. In the main Diligent Robotics focused on those elements of nurse business which do not require special qualification and can be easily automated: for example, Moxi can transport different objects, change materials, carry drugs, hand over samples in laboratory for the analysis. Thus, the robot should undertake about 30% of the tasks which are carried out by junior medical staff which do not assume interaction with patients.

Developers pay special attention on the fact that the Moxi robot is called to help nurses, but not to replace them. Moxi is equipped with a robotic hand and wheels in the trunk basis, it can be programmed on accomplishment of certain instructions. Moxi is connected to the electronic system of medical records of hospital and thus is guided in distribution of patients by chambers and graphics of procedures. Also the robot can talk with patients and render him basic psychological assistance.

As for the actual interaction with patients and delivery of health care, for this purpose it is still necessary to address people. Eventually, Moxi should undertake as much as possible routine tasks of nurses just in order that they could find more time for patients.[1]
