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Ballmer was asked on an exit


27.05.11, 09:47, Msk

Activity of the chief executive of Microsoft Steve Ballmer sparked discontent criticism from the investor in recent years. Ballmer struggles with the closest competitors – Apple and Google, use prohibition in family of products from these vendors.

David Einhorn, the magnate of a hedge fund who made a fortune on short sellings of Lehman Brothers showed indignation to the boss of Microsoft Steve Ballmer, accusing one of the most tough heads of corporate America that it "got stuck in the past", and urged that to leave the post.

The tremendous public attack of Einhorn happened shortly after his Greenlight Capital fund increased a share in securities of Microsoft before 9 million actions, or about 0.11%. Einhorn considers stocks of the company underestimated and told vendor of the software that at Ballmer the company missed a number of opportunities.

Ballmer who assumed the management of Microsoft from its founder Bill Gates in 2000 is accused that he allowed Apple to head leadership in the competition to what it was led by technologies for smartphones and the new markets of tablet computers opened in recent years.

Some of the enterprises purchased by Microsoft were waste of money, Einhorn added. Not clearly at the same time, whether the statement on the last acquisition of Skype company for $8.5 billion is distributed. His thought concerning Bing search engine from Microsoft was clearer: it was "failure", he told. Last quarter the division of group of online services which includes Bing lost more than $700 million.

"It [Ballmer] allowed competitors to beat Microsoft in the widest areas, including search systems... That it is even worse, injection huge means in efforts on development of an exit from these holes was the response to failures".

Einhorn, whose Greenlight Capital is also an investor of Apple, urged Microsoft "give someone chance", describing further presence of Ballmer at a wheel as "the biggest threat to stocks of Microsoft". He said that the company "will have no trust concerning some of its achievements and perspectives".

As the proof of the increasing Ballmer's unfitness, Einhorn remembered the last remarks made by the chief executive of Microsoft when that tried to wave away from the assumptions of possible threat for Microsoft from iPhone or iPod from Apple. Other comments characterizing Ballmer's mismatch included a revelation – the boss of software giant prohibited the children use of Google or iPod.

Einhorn stated all this, speaking at the annual Ira Sohn Investment Research conference in New York where four years ago he performed with destroying and as it became clear, as extremely prophetical speech analysis of critical shortcomings of Lehman Brothers entitled "Ingenuity of accounting".

Not only its hedge fund which is playing with papers of Lehman Brothers and delivered on reduction in cost of the stocks, but frank expressions then of the 37-year-old manager of fund, instantly made him the hated personality for the senior officials in investment bank which was headed afterwards by Dick Fuld.

Effective fall of stocks of Lehman within four months became a harbinger of global financial crisis.

Einhorn's speech no other than preparation of the soil for public battle with Ballmer who hardly will lying perceive criticism. As well as Fuld, the boss of Microsoft is known as one of the most extraordinary behaving managers of America – he showed it in the bright scenic performances, complementing with primitive shouts of an action of Microsoft.