Developers: | Technopark Mordovia, AU |
Last Release Date: | November, 2013 |
Technology: | DPC |
The regional operator of the electronic government the State inform together with Technoserv constructed DPC Mordovia which has the high rates on reliability of functioning corresponding to TIER IV. Three independent fiber-optic communication lines by capacity of 10 Gbps everyone are brought to DPC, power supply (1 group, special category) is organized from four independent sources with power about 2.5 MW/hour. In total in DPC of 110 racks with the equipment - at the first stage the equipment of IBM and Cisco is used, however further it is going to use the equipment and other producers.
On November 18, 2013 the Technoserv company announced obtaining the Russia's first certificate of Uptime Institute1 on compliance of category TIER IV Design Documents for DPC "Technopark Mordovia". This certificate confirms officially that the Russian DPC "Technopark - Mordovia" is designed by Technoserv at the level of the best world practices on characteristics of reliability and security. Only 39 DPCs from 20 countries mira2 have certification of TIER IV Design Documents from Uptime Institute.
According to classification of level of availability of DPC by Uptime Institute TIER IV provides full redundancy of all engineering systems with coefficient 2N+1 that allows to carry out any scheduled and repair work without suspension of services of DPC. A downtime of data center of the TIER IV level in a year cannot exceed 24 minutes, and the coefficient of fault tolerance makes 99.995%. Such parameters of reliability and availability allow to guarantee compliance of services of data center to the highest level of SLA that is important for the customers planning transfer to DPC of crucial processes.
The DPC of the highest level of data availability, unique for Russia, can be used as the central, controlling unit for network of the regional DPCs providing functioning of infrastructure of the complex electronic government. Besides, as residents of technopark several development teams will be able to use data center as a polygon for working off of large-scale programs, such as "Safe city", medical services for the population, etc. And at last, capacities of DPC will be provided in lease to such exacting commercial clients as banks and insurance companies.
The uninterrupted operation of functioning of infrastructure of technopark is maintained more than twenty specialized systems, such as: the system of the guaranteed power supply, maintenance of temperature moisture conditions, automatic control of computer systems and the engineering systems; fire protection, the information and physical security including including video status monitoring of each unit of customer premise equipment.
Besides, the companies working in technopark can get access to the system of a video conferencing, the platform, the supporting services of the IP telephony and IP-TV, contact center. Also the DPC bespechivat complete virtualization of computing resources and storage systems. The information system of DPC is separated into two parts: public and protected - only residents will be able to use the last. Such separation is necessary for compliance to requirements of the law "About Personal Data". Residents of technopark can be connected both to closed, and to a public part with the help terminalngo access.