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Rostelecom begins to build "electronic municipalities"

31.05.11, 17:45, Msk

/ ITAR-TASS/. The Rostelecom company which is responsible for creation in Russia of "the electronic government" after "electronic regions" begins to create also "electronic municipalities". As the head of the company Alexander Provotorov told journalists today, the first agreement on creation of such infrastructure is signed with Novosibirsk.

According to Provotorov, agreements on cooperation in the field of creation of "the electronic government" signed with Rostelecom at the moment 77 subjects of the Russian Federation. It is supposed that the national telecommunication company invests in creation of necessary infrastructure, implementing universal solutions in the region. The project, according to Provotorov, allows regions to cut down expenses on implementation of "the electronic government" almost by 10 times.

"Now our task - to go down this pyramid and in addition to the regional "electronic governments" to create "electronic municipalities", - the head of Rostelecom told. They, according to him, will be constructed on the same platform, using the same software products which are now used in regions. "If this strategy is implemented, already thousands, but not tens of municipalities will become clients of our platform", - Provotorov noted. So, more and more Russians will get access to municipal services online.