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Easter cake you will not entice the good IT manager


01.06.11, 13:16, Msk

Specialists of the IT field were the most indifferent among all managers to different corporate bonuses like an insurance, options or compensation for journey. But, in comparison with other specialists, the flexible hours are more important for them.

Experts of Antal Russia found out what privileges of the company offer the employees and what benefita employees want to see in the social packages. As it became clear, among other managers of an average and the top management employees of IT departments are most indifferent to any bonuses and privileges.

The privileges included in a compensation packet of IT managers

Antal Russia, 2011

Most often such bonuses as the health insurance (62%), annual awarding on results of work (which and it is accepted to call "bonus", 42%) and also compensation for expenses on a power supply (28%) and the flexible working schedule (26%) enter a compensation packet of IT employees.

Offer IT specialists compensation for fitness (9.8%), the car or compensation for expenses on use of own car (8.1%), a corporate pension scheme (5.4%), options (2.4%) less often. 5.1% of respondents called other bonuses, 3.1%-offer bonuses at choice, 16.6% - at all receive nothing from the company in addition to the salary. And, nevertheless, the list of compensations looks quite impressively.

According to Irina Kalkina, the expert of Antal Russia, the situation with social packages "considerably changed to the best" after crisis. "Even those companies which cut off or at all cancelled privileges for employees within the strategy of cost reduction, recovered them almost completely", - she explained.

At the same time, among all other professions IT specialists were most indifferent to any encouragement: whether they work for the idea, whether earn the sufficient monetary reward.

Importance of privileges for IT managers

Antal Russia, 2011

If in general 42% of managers consider obligatory the health insurance, then in the IT environment – only 28%. 33% of managers draw on annual bonuses, among IT specialists – only 18%. Compensation on the car is important 13% of average managers, among IT specialists – only 3%.

But to IT specialists the flexible working schedule is more important (8% in comparison with 7% on average). Other points are besides 1-2% less in comparison with "the average temperature on hospital".