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Microsoft Dynamics NAV 7

The name of the base system (platform): Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Developers: Microsoft
Technology: Cloud Computing,  ERP

The Microsoft company announced in June, 2011 that the version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV with working number "7" will become the first in a line ERP solution implementing the cloud strategy of business applications of Microsoft.

The cloud strategy of ERP is based on the following principles:

  • Implementation on the cloud Windows Azure and SQL Server Azure server platform.
  • The integrated scenarios of document flow with Office 365.
  • Identical functionality of the solutions unrolled as locally, on the customer's servers, and in a cloud.
  • Identical instrumental opportunities for development and setup of local and cloud solutions.

Customer companies will be able to install a system on own infrastructure or to use it from external servers. Also the combined deployment options will be available. Such flexibility will allow to reduce initial costs, to manage flexibly operating costs, will increase mobility of users without increase in overheads.

The global announcement of Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7" is planned in 2012. In July, 2011, at the Worldwide Partner Conference conference, specific terms will be announced and cloud opportunities of the new version are shown.

Customers with the current contract on updates will receive the new version of the solution free of charge. All new customers purchasing a system within the operating special offer will have the stated opportunities without any additional payment of licenses as receiving updates and versions within two years is a part of the offer.