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Баннер в шапке 2

IT To: Management of Jewelry Production

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Enterprise 8.2
Developers: IT Kostroma
Last Release Date: June, 2011
Branches: Jewelry industry
Technology: Accounting systems


In June, 2011 certificate "Compatibly! The system of programs 1C: Enterprise" was received by the software product "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production", developed and replicated by IT Kostroma COMPANY LLC company and provided on certification as the configuration developed in the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 environment in the mode of managed application.

IT To: Management of Jewelry Production 2.0

The software product "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production 2.0" it is intended for automation of jewelry manufacturing enterprises, in particular, allows:

  • organize operational accounting of raw materials, semi-finished products and ready jewelry in warehouses and sections of jewelry productions;
  • organize accounting of the movement of raw materials and semi-finished products in warehouses of jewelry production;
  • organize accounting of ready jewelry in production and trade warehouses;
  • keep sales accounting of jewelry of own production and trade in jewelry of other producers;
  • solve problems of increase in efficiency of jewelry productions, warehouses, sales offices.

Possibilities of the software product:

  • a set of technology transactions with indication of a type of losses (returnable/irrevocable), regulations of losses from removal or finished goods;
  • competent structure of the reference book the nomenclature, including division into metals/procurements/semi-finished products/products, structure of a product - set necessary for production, structure of inserts of a product - optional strictly certain;
  • possibility of a binding to each issued article of set technology transactions and composition of materials (metal, inserts) - the process chart, including and a possibility of the instruction as general % of losses and quotations for technical transaction, and separately for any article (for example, at production of an exclusive very difficult or, on the contrary, very simple product);
  • possibility of maintaining the reference book of formulas of different types of impurity, for example for light solder, together with a specific ligature of factory production;
  • different types of dresses for different transactions (standard, alloying, a clip / vykrepka);

transparent movement of metal and inserts;

  • accounting of production of products in different metals and tests;
  • the automatic binding of set and weight of the fixed inserts to the article on clip batch number, i.e. is not present need every time in movements, orders, goods issue slips, the subsequent * to a clip / vykrepke, to specify the weight of inserts in separate fields;
  • accounting by orders, the actual and contractual losses by request, order fulfillment %;
  • accounting of raw materials supplied by the customer at you in production;
  • accounting of third-party carrying out different transactions, i.e., for example, if you have no possibility of carrying out casting or the chemical analysis, and you perform these operations in other organizations;

accounting of irrevocable losses - normative and actual;

  • accounting of returnable waste, different types of shlif, tracking of their processings, weight of losses;
  • accounting of defects, standard for defects, exceeding of the standard of defects by employees;
  • carrying out inventory (closing) workers and storekeepers (accountants) with any frequency and it is optional with complete delivery (cleaning) of gold-bearing material;
  • system of barcoding of finished goods;
  • the effective analytical reporting - a remaining balance on treasures by firms, warehouses, orders; a remaining balance in work by technical transactions, employees, orders; a remaining balance "in out of" (third-party producers, assay inspection); reports on returnable and irrevocable losses, reports on inserts; reports on technical transactions, reports on defects, reports on accomplishment of orders, reports on payroll, reports on the needs for metal and inserts for order fulfillment;
  • transparent summary reporting under all production (production report).

Features of the software product:

  • Software modules really consider specifics of the jewelry industry and were initially developed for this purpose. The subsystem comprises elements of technologies of jewelry production.

Acceptance of metal, semi-finished products, color precious or semiprecious stones on a production warehouse.

  • Transfer of materials, parts, stones to production, acceptance of finished products, returnable materials, defects from production. Job control on production.
  • Support of different types of production operations: casting (including casting with stones), mount, grinding, branding, approbation, a clip, rhodium plating, polishing, a raskrepka and others and also a binding of the corresponding algorithms at commission of certain transactions.
  • Control of normative (irrevocable) losses on production operations.
  • The analysis of cost value of the turned-out products.
  • Existence of assembly specifications (templates), allows to design any options of jewelry, reduces human errors at assembly.
  • Calculation of requirement of materials for a task for production.
  • Acceptance of products on a finished goods warehouse.
  • Accounting of a WIP.
  • Complete accounting of passing of raw materials and semi-finished products at all stages of a task for production, including using a possibility of barcoding. Allows to automate transactions of reception-transmission of raw materials and semi-finished products on production.
  • Accounting of a piece-work pay on the basis of categories of complexity of technology transactions.
  • Formation of all necessary documents on an inventory control, including for accounting. Printing of documents, provided by the internal instructions adopted at the enterprise.
  • Support of the printing equipment of labels, works with barcodes.
  • Support of electronic scales that provides significant acceleration of data entry during the work with weight goods.
  • A number of requirements and recommendations of Industry instruction I-013-98 "Accounting treatment, storages and consumption of precious metals and gemstones at production of jewelry and other products" is considered.

The software product includes a set of the reports reflecting:

  • Remaining balance of products, materials, parts and other semi-finished products in production warehouses and at workers on sections for any date.
  • Movement of metal on dresses.
  • The summary report on swimming trunks of metals.
  • The summary report on production sites.
  • Turnover sheets in a ligature, in purity, in rubles or in currency on the production storeroom.
  • Card of inventory (material) control, etc.

Specialized jewelry qualifiers

  • In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" specialized jewelry reference books - qualifiers contain. Each jewel is unique, everyone is described by a set of characteristics. Industry reference books are intended for a complete description of jewel in the program: types of precious metals, tests, sizes, types of products, gemstones, etc.
  • Accounting of the movement of precious metals and gemstones. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" the full stroke of accounting of the movement of precious metals and gemstones on production is provided.
  • Reports for assay inspection. IT program K: Management of Jewelry Production" satisfies to requirements of the jewelry enterprise for reporting and primary documentation on requirements of the State Inspection of Assay Supervision (SIAS).
  • Order placement in a proizvostvo. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" exists a number of documents and reports, oushchestvlyayushchy control of passing of orders on production, calculation of requirement of raw materials, formation of day tasks for stencil paper, stamping or purchase of component parts.
  • Production of the wax semi-finished products. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" the full stroke of accounting of production of the wax semi-finished products is organized.
  • Calculation of a piece-work pay on section of stencil paper and accounting of types of rubber compression molds. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" is everything for performance review of section of stencil paper, load of rubber compression molds for stencil paper, assessment of the minimum time spent of the order for stencil paper section.
  • Production of molding and stamped component parts, casting of solder on casting section. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" production of molding component parts on section of casting begins with calculation of metal on the formed wax block which was moved from stencil paper section.
  • Complete set of lot of products from component parts. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" on the next stage of production comes a complete set of production lots of products according to the ordered nomenclature from the manufactured component parts.
  • Documents on regulation of jewelry production. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" the block of documents on regulation of activity of the jewelry enterprise is implemented. Installation of wage rates, installation of normative losses of technology transactions, installation of regulations on a warehouse, installation of regulations on technology transaction, installation of sheets on sections, the MOL installation on warehouses.
  • Reports on regulation of jewelry production. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" the block of reports on regulation of activity of the jewelry enterprise is implemented. The movement and a remaining balance of reversible defects, a status of products, the movement of the order, development on MOL for the period, development on sections for the period, a remaining balance at LIKE, remaining balance of semi-finished products without the movement, the certificate of losses and many other things.
  • Carrying out chemical analysis and cleaning of employees. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" accounting of acceptance of returnable waste from the employee and the movement on chemical analysis is organized.
  • Time management of idle time of employees. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" time management of idle time of employees because of the jewelry enterprise is organized. The particular not active mode of work set when setting the employee on idle time accounting consists in choice prohibition from the reference book "Individuals" by this employee in details of documents from the following list: dress, acceptance of products, defects, acceptance of a remaining balance, acceptance of waste, inventory, input of a remaining balance.
  • Products cost accounting. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" forms cost value of finished goods.
  • Administration of a system. The program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" distinguishes ease of its administration and management of access rights of certain users.
  • Integration with 1C: Accounting 8. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" unloading of data is provided in a standard configuration 1C: Accounting 8.
  • Thin client. In the program "IT To: Management of Jewelry Production" work is provided in regime of the thin client - managed application of a platoforma of 1C: Enterprise 8.2.