In the Republic of Khakassia development of the project of automation of treatment and prevention facilities based on KIIS continues
Customers: Abakan city clinic Product: Karelian Medical Information System (KMIS) На базе: IBM Notes/Domino Project date: 2011/02
The "End-to-end Medical Information Systems" company announces continuation of the project of automation of treatment and prevention facilities of the city of Abakan (Republic of Khakassia). On an equal basis with the automation of Clinic of "The Abakan children's city hospital" executed earlier KIIS is implemented also in "The Abakan city clinic".
The plan of complex automation of health facilities of Abakan was developed in the Municipal government of health care. The head of department of the analysis Inyashev Alexander Nikolaevich acts as the curator of the project. The project includes consecutive automation of medical institutions of the city with the organization of exchange of information between health facilities. One of the socially important directions is the organization of remote making an appointment with the doctor through Electronic registry. For convenience of patients all data on remote record are concentrated in one place – on the portal of the Municipal government of health care of Abakan ( In the same place data on health facilities, including the websites of health facilities with up-to-date information about medical institutions ( are consolidated.
Within this project, in one of the largest out-patient and polyclinic organizations of the Republic of Khakassia of MUZ "Abakan city clinic" independent implementation of KIIS is performed. Forces of specialists of clinic execute primary training of key experts – medical registrars, nurses, local therapists and specialists doctors, employees of departments of beam and functional diagnostics, kliniko-diagnostic laboratory. The coordinating function is performed by the deputy chief physician for OMR Pylinskaya Elena Vladimirovna.
The accumulated work experience in KIIS allows to perform registration of primary patients, call acceptance of doctors for the house, to use electronic schedules of work of specialists. In clinic it is implemented a record subsystem to the doctor via the Internet (Electronic registry).
Doctors mastered the main electronic document management – maintaining primary documentation, the direction on inspection, create protocols of diagnostic testings. The greatest success was achieved by specialists of surgical department of clinic.
The management of clinic initiated automation of carrying out additional medical examination and formation of electronic passports of sections. Specialists of radiological department are interested in automation of planning of fluorographic inspection of the population.
Further development plans include installation of a LAN on 400 connections, increase in number of the connected users, expansion of number of the used modules. Interesting feature of the project is the planned use of "thin clients" on technology of virtualization of workstations on the basis of a product of VMware of VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)