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Vendors of open source BI increase functionality in fight against Oracle and IBM


15.06.11, 15:43, Msk

Developers of open solutions for the business analysis update the systems and expand their functionality, coming very close to opportunities of commercial BI solutions: opposition escalates.

BI developers of systems also stored data open source prepare for the serious competition to mega-vendors and actively increase additional functionality. Lately the corresponding announcements made Infobright, Jaspersoft and Ingres.

Infobright released version 4.0 of the analytical database, having paid in it special attention to opportunities extraction of the generated machine data from the most different sources, including sensors, telecommunication infrastructure and others practically in real time.

The technology under the name DomainExpert reduces time of the answer of a system and optimizes performance due to recognition of domains of data – a web, financial services or telecommunications, said in the announcement of Infobright. Other new feature of version 4.0 gave the name Rough Query. It gives the chance to users to analyze very large volumes of data much quicker.

Besides, the release of Infobright 4.0 includes possibilities of fast loading of large volumes of data: to 2tb per hour. This version of a system will become available everywhere within 30 days from the date of the announcement. "In my opinion, Rough Query is the most impressive innovation", -the analyst Curt Monash from Monash Research in the blog said. At the same time other functions included in this release are not news to the market.

Also this week Ingres and Jaspersoft announced the partnership within which the analytical database from Ingres under the name VectorWise will be merged into BI software from Jaspersoft within the uniform virtual machine. the 30-day trawl version of this product is already available to loading free of charge.

Ingres, Jaspersoft and Infobright compete with proprietary products of such vendors of solutions for a business intelligence as Oracle and IBM, but the fact that their products are open, does not provide them technology advantage yet. Their main advantage is the low cost of ownership and service support.