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Rostelecom and Sitronics agreed about cooperation

17.06.11, 15:25, Msk

The Sitronics company, solution provider in the field of telecommunications, information technologies and microelectronics in Russia and the CIS countries, announced the conclusion of the partnership agreement with the Russian telecommunication company "Rostelecom" within project implementation Electronic government.

The agreement was signed by the president of RostelecomAlexander Provotorov and the president of Sitronics Sergey Aslanyan during the 15th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

According to the signed document, Sitronics will provide release and personalisation of bank plastic cards with the hardware qualified electronic signature. At the same time Rostelecom will organize a technological capability of issue, information exchange with emitting banks and also will provide a possibility of use of such cards on the Uniform portal of the public and municipal services ( for identification, interaction with state agencies and payments, says Sitronics.

The partnership agreement also assumes interaction of the companies in the field of transfer to an electronic form of the public and municipal services in subjects and the municipal entities of the Russian Federation. Regional segments of infrastructure of Electronic government of Rostelecom and application solutions of Sitronics on automation of activity of authorities will be used for this purpose.

"The signed agreement can be considered the beginning of a new stage of the Electronic Government project — the president of Rostelecom Alexander Provotorov noted. — Participation of Sitronics company will allow to increase significantly efficiency and efficiency of project implementation".

"Participation in the projects directed to quality improvement of life in Russia and assuming long-term and constructive cooperation with the state is in number of our strategic priorities — the president of Sitronics Sergey Aslanyan emphasized. — Partnership with Rostelecom will allow us to participate most fully in the project of creation of Electronic government both as the producer of microelectronic products, and as the largest IT integrator".

According to orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, Rostelecom is the only contractor of actions of the state program Information society regarding creation of infrastructure and Electronic government and also the uniform national operator of infrastructure of this project.