The Russian market of analytics read off scale: growth of 200%
29.06.11, 08:00, Msk
Russia in 2010 became one of the most quickly developing regional segments of the world market of BI: the idle time direction of analytics grew by 200% - it is the best indicator in the world. The direction of the complex analytical systems should grow dvuznachno this year.
According to the annual research IDC Worldwide Business Intelligence Tools Tracker, the world market of BI solutions in the second half of 2010 generated profits for the amount more than $4 billion, and its growth will continue also in 2011. For all 2010 in general growth of the market was 12.7% or $893 million in a cash equivalent in comparison with 2009.
Dan Vesset, the vice president of IDC, says that 2010 became for the industry of BI successful year. And the five-year forecast IDC model shows growth of the market of a business intelligence for all next years. "The analytics remains one of key priorities for most the organizations, and the BI tools - some of the main means of the analysis", - he said.
According to the expert, for maintenance of growth in this market vendors should work over package applications and pricing, considering the interests of end users. At the same time though SaaS or "cloud" BI solutions occupy a small share in the world market of analytical applications so far, this subsegment grows three times quicker than the market in general.
At the end of 2010 two leading vendors of BI became SAP and IBM: each of these companies earned more than $1 billion SAP from sale of analytical software showed steady growth in a number of the large countries, including Australia, Canada and Russia. Results of IBM were the highest in Australia, Canada, Japan and Great Britain.
On top-10 vendors 72% of the world market of BI in terms of money were necessary. At the same time the four on behalf of MicroStrategy, Oracle, Panorama Software and Qlik (QlikTech) - exceeded the market on annual average growth rate. In the second half of 2010 in a research 58 vendors were considered.
The Segment of solutions for end users, reports and the basic analytical systems showed higher growth rate, than the market of analytics in general – 13.7% in comparison with 2009. Russia became the most impressive region here – annual growth was 200%. Australia, Canada, India, Korea are also mentioned as regions where the growth rate exceeds average world. Besides, Brazil and Russia in 2010 overcame a mark of $100 million, having passed into the following echelon of the regional markets.
On the contrary, the segment of the complex analytical systems grew more slowly than the market: it increased only by 8.6% in 2010. Here Australia, Brazil and India are called regional leaders in growth rates – growth in these countries was more than 30%. According to forecasts of IDC, such countries as Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Korea and Russia, will show two-digit growth in 2011.