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Universe: UniPOS

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Enterprise 8.2
Developers: Universe
Last Release Date: February, 2015
Branches: Trade
Technology: Trade automation systems,  Accounting systems


UniPOS is the Russian project on equipping of trade enterprises the standardized application of automation of work of settlement points of sale on 1C: Enterprise platform 8. As the industry standard of UniPOS provides in full functionality of the cash place, at the same time the product has the following unique features: the cross-platform – the application can work with the main fiscal registrars and the POS models which are present at the market; implementation on the 1C Platform 8.2 (it can be serviced by specialists in 1C) that does the application simple in installation and the subsequent service (high service availability); modifiability – an opportunity randomly, irrespective of the developer to expand functionality of the application with means of 1C via the instrument of connection external 1C processings on key events of cash desk that provides to the customer and the implementing company unique opportunities on implementation of individual projects.

2016: "Universe: UNIPOS 8" with support of the Unified State Automated Information System

On June 14, 2016 the Universe company declared a release of the version with support of the Unified State Automated Information System[1].

Within the project on expansion of functionality of the cash application the requirements of federal law N 171-FZ "About state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and about restriction of consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products" regarding registration of retail sale of alcoholic products are fulfilled.

The cash program registers, transfers data of cash vouchers on the implemented alcohol (excise stamps and federal special brands) to the Unified State Automated Information System of accounting of production volume and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (Unified State Automated Information System).

The operating hardware JaCarta cryptokey with the electronic signature and the universal transport module (UTM), used for confirmation of purchases of alcohol is applied to the signature of transmitted data. For start in the settlement and cash place of support of the Unified State Automated Information System it is necessary to update cash software from the website of the producer, in addition to equip the settlement and cash place 2D - the scanner with support of PDF417 codes and to perform tunings according to the process chart. Printing of checks according to the legislation requires a fiscal registrar with support of printing of QR codes.

2015: Cash program "Universe: UNIPOS 8" for POS systems is integrated with pinpads of JSC Sberbank of Russia

Within integration an opportunity on the settlement and cash places equipped with the cash program "Universe is implemented: UNIPOS 8" (1C: Enterprise platform 8.2) to execute connection of pinpads of Sberbank to the POS system and to execute non-cash payments with clients without need to enter manually the amount on the keyboard of the bank terminal (the amount of the check is automatically transferred to the pinpad from the cash application). At success of transaction the cash voucher is closed by the POS system automatically.

Support of pinpads as regular functionality of the cash application, is included in all versions of UniPOS – to be updated to the current version enough and to perform tunings by means of the application. At the same time installation of third-party drivers is not required, there are no lump and subscriber sum payments for an opportunity to use pinpads of Sberbank.

The compactness of pinpads, in comparison with traditional independent terminals, saves a working space on site of the cashier and increases convenience of non-cash payments. The lack of a print engine in the pinpad, and, as a result, lack of need for a check tape for printing of terminal checks (the non-cash check is issued on the regular check POS systems printer), simplifies operation and increases reliability of point of sale in general. According to the director of the company of "Universe" Vladimir Tyutnev "the possibility of non-cash payments on settlement point of sale without manual entry of the amount by the cashier - conveniently and technologically, increases customer service quality and their loyalty".

Cash program "Universe: UNIPOS 8" - the universal cash program on 1C: Enterprise platform 8.2, the draft of the Russian industry standard of the cash (POS) application on the 1C Platform for settlement points of sale. Distinctive feature of the application is an opportunity to the user of a product (or the implementing / service organization) randomly to expand functionality of the application with own developments in the form of external 1C procedures, connected on key events of cash desk, such as "adding of goods in the check", "closing of the check", "change closing" and so forth that provides unique flexibility and expansibility of a product. An opportunity to service the cash application of specialists 1C (the application is available through a partner network of 1C and it can be serviced both by specialists 1C of a partner network, and independent 1C contractors) provides high degree of technical readiness of the cash place and low operating costs for service. The cash program is intended as for installation on traditional POS solutions of such producers as Wincor Nixdorf, NCR, Posiflex, etc., and on tablet computers from Windows OS (Tablet PC) of such producers as HP, Asus, Lenovo, Acer, etc.

2013: Universe: UniPOS 8 for POS systems is tested on tablet computers

The Universe company tested in the spring of 2013 work of the development — the application "Universe: UniPOS 8" for the automated settlement points of sale (POS systems) — on a number of 10-inch tablet computers (Tablet PC). Testing confirmed that the UniPOS software product with success can be applied not only on specialized POS systems of such producers as Wincor Nixdorf, NCR, Posiflex, etc., but also on tablet computers of such producers as HP, Asus, Lenovo, Acer, Excimer, etc., offered by traditional suppliers of the computer equipment, reported CNews in the company.

According to "Universe", the tablet computers tested by the developer on Atom-processors and the Windows operating system provide sufficient for the cash program "Universe: UniPOS 8" performance and stability and also functional flexibility at the minimum budget on the cash place in general. "The compactness and a touch control of tablet computers provide ergonomics of the cash place unavailable earlier — consider in the company. — The mobility of tablet computers allows to use POS systems on their basis at exit and mobile trade".

At the same time, tablet solutions allow to lower costs for equipment by the equipment of settlement points of sale and the subsequent service. According to the director of Universe Vladimir Tyutnev, "application of tablet solutions in trade, in addition to traditional POS systems or as their replacement is qualitatively new stage in development of IT of retail, and the offer of Tablet UniPOS from Universe company is an innovation product for the companies interested in new technologies".

"Universe: UniPOS 8" represents the universal cash program on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform, the draft of the Russian industry standard of the cash (POS) application on the 1C Platform for settlement points of sale. Distinctive feature of the application is an opportunity for the user of a product (or the implementing / service organization) randomly to expand functionality of the application with own developments in the form of external 1C procedures, connected on key events of cash desk, such as "closing of the check", "change closing" and so forth that provides required flexibility and expansibility of a product. At the same time it is possible to finish functionality of the cash program independently or to use external processings of third-party developers (as the ready-made solution or as a prototype for the subsequent completion).

Besides, an opportunity to service the cash application of specialists 1C (the application is available through a partner network of 1C and it can be serviced both by specialists 1C of a partner network, and independent 1C contractors) provides high degree of technical readiness of the cash place and low operating costs for service, added to "Universe".


In October, 2011 the Universe company announced receiving by the UniPOS Pro software product of the certificate "Compatibly! System of the programs "1C: Enterprise". A system was provided on certification as the set of service reports and processings developed in the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 environment in the normal mode.

The Point-of-sale Terminal UniPOS program is intended for a fast, convenient and reliable design of sale on settlement point of sale with formation of the settlement document – the cash voucher. At the same time as the list device of the check both regular Windows printers, and specialized devices can be applied there are fiscal registrars and chekopechatayushchy machines used in Russia.

This product in full provides functionality of settlement point of sale. At the same time the user (or the implementing / service organization) is given an opportunity irrespective of developer company to expand functionality of the application with own innovations in the form of the external procedures of "1C: Enterprise" on key events of cash desk, such as closing of the check, change closing and so forth that provides flexibility and expansibility of a product.

UniPOS Pro scope – settlings with the population where according to requirements of the legislation the settlement cash voucher is obligatory (trade, services, public catering and so forth).

For the purpose of interaction with external systems of accounting the service module intended for interaction of a product with standard configurations of 1C company and third-party producers, such as Rarus, SoftBalance, etc. enters into structure of a product. The module of service is provided with the open code and can adapt the user according to individual requirements. For data exchange with alternative external systems the DBF format serves.

System configuration "The point-of-sale terminal UniPOS" is not the independent program, the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform is necessary for its work (starting with the basic version).

The solution is the protected activation code and contains not subjects to change by the user fragments of a program code.