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Corporate portal - new reality for "Sales-house Media Plus" company

Customers: Sales house of Media Plus

Contractors: CMD-Soft
Product: Microsoft SharePoint Foundation
На базе: Microsoft SharePoint

Project date: 2011/06  - 2011/07

The CMD-Soft company executed the project on development of a corporate portal of Sales-house Media Plus. A project objective in improvement of the mechanism of bringing corporate information to the staff of the organization and also in optimization of planning of corporate actions and resource allocations. The new portal is developed on the basis of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.

Thorough opinion

"We came to need of creation of a corporate portal in the natural way. Our company expanded to such size that employees ceased to recognize each other by sight. With growth of the company, increase in number of projects process of communication in the company became complicated. The number of the "information units" falling on each employee grew in geometrical progression, - the marketing director of Media Plus Victor Pashchenko told about premises of implementation of a corporate portal. - Therefore at some point we faced that information began to move slowly, a part of information began to be distorted, and even just to be lost forever. Our "organism" began to brake or react inadequately to external irritants. We needed new nervous system. A system which would allow to arrange and structure information flows in the company".


The corporate portal informs employees on a regular organization structure of the company, on a contact information of workers, provides access to library of documents with a search service, gives an opportunity of watching films corporate and media of news, allows to armor negotiation. Using news blocks the portal announces different events: next birthdays of employees, corporate news, updating of editions of the existing documents and emergence of new documents. On the portal the vacation schedule of workers is kept. The portal is allocated with the functionality allowing to plan date of a corporate action in terms of the maximum presence of employees taking into account distribution of holidays.

Speaking about preparation for the project, Victor Pashchenko noted: "Before implementing the portal, we well (and long enough) thought therefore by the time of development we had a clear idea of its future structure. And now, having already passed from a development stage to active use, should tell that at us the fact that we wanted turned out".

Each employee of media company has the personal area where places a personal and contact information, including the photo on the portal. The employee is given an opportunity to lay out the chosen documents and contacts of the colleagues on "desktop".

"Discussion of the project with specialists of Sales-house Media Plus was rather short and capacious. Participants of a project team of the customer accurately formulated the requirements and tasks. In my opinion, the project in Media Plus is a bright example of what necessary and effective tool can be a portal in the modern company", - Maxim Chmara-Mironov, the head of portal solutions of JSC CMD-Soft told.

In development process transfer of functionality of the previous version of the portal on a new product Microsoft - Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 is performed and also a number of the improvements offered by specialists of Media Plus is implemented.