Microsoft and Citrix will move VMware in the virtualization market
20.07.11, 08:00, Msk
The three of vendors of software of virtualization of servers on the platform h86 in the near future can trade places. According to a new research of this market, Citrix and Microsoft can make fierce competition of VMware.
The main vendor of hypervisors in 58% of the organizations applying virtualization of machines on the platform of processors x86 is VMware. Citrix and Hyper-V from Microsoft divide other market. By request of Veeam company, vendor of solutions of management of virtualization, the research Vanson Bourne group conducted survey more than 500 large enterprises which showed that 92% of the companies implemented virtualization and turned on average 470 virtual machines.
Though products of VMware it is still used most widely, it turned out that quickly there is regulation an existence of several hypervisors in one DPC. And with the last increase in quotations of VMware, Microsoft and Citrix have chance to get closer to the leader.
58% of the companies using virtualization call VMware the main hypervisor while 20.2% placed Citrix in an upper part of the list and 18.6% consider the first Hyper-V. Nevertheless, at calculation of the general use of virtualization, it appeared: 84% of the companies use VMware, 61% - Hyper-V, 55.4% - XenServer from Citrix and 12% - other hypervisors. And only 3% apply "other" hypervisor as the main.
Vanson Bourne polled 544 IT heads of the companies in the USA, Great Britain, France and Germany, in each of which, at least, 1000 people work. Exactly a half of the companies use virtualization. Survey results showed that Microsoft, until recently only the participant in the virtualization market, makes progress today. But VMware, being considered as the main hypervisor for almost for 60% of clients, it seems still the best choice for start of crucial tasks.
The research Veeam shows an instant cut of today's market situation, but the latest data of IDC in a quarter show that consumers continue to buy a product of VMware at rather high speed.
According to the research IDC, in 1 quarter 2011 the world sales volume of the new licenses of virtualization unrolled on new or the existing servers, was: 58% for VMware, Microsoft – 26% and 8% - Citrix, other companies divided a remaining balance.
IDC also notes that the technology of virtualization is set previously or installed on 20% of new servers-x86 during deployment. Though digits of Veeam say that most the enterprises use virtualization, the research IDC shows ambiguity of the fact that the most part of servers is virtualized.
Actually, the research Veeam also showed: slightly less than 40% of servers are virtualized, with an average a consolidation indicator in six virtual servers per host. The share of Microsoft can continue growth. The reason for that discontent among clients of VMware the new prices on the license. VMware increased the number of necessary licenses for virtualization of the systems answering to threshold values on existence of sockets and memory therefore one of clients called it "punishment for density".
One of customers wrote the following in a forum of community VMware: "Our command prefers VSphere, but not Hyper-V, but with the new prices we will be forced to perform transition". Hyper-V is free as a separate product and is delivered together with Windows Server most of which of clients of VMware buy in the beginning. The Gartner analytical company placed Microsoft and Citrix in leaders of its share of "A magic quadrant", for VMware at once recently, having let know that though tools of these vendors are not so steady, but are ready for application at the enterprises.
Management tools support by virtualization from Veeam only a hypervisor of VMware today, but in the 4th quarter 2011 the company is going to create a product for backup and replication of Hyper-V and some of the tools of VMware compatible to the System Center Management platform from Microsoft.
Doug Hazelman, the senior director of Veeam on the strategy of products, said: "As we the company in the field of virtualization, we want to support the hypervisor or hypervisors leading in the market. We knew that the race between VMware and Microsoft is necessary, but at the same time we cannot dismiss Citrix company".