Customers: Olympstroy, Goskoroporation Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: Softprom ( Product: PlanDesignerProject date: 2010/05
Project subjects:
- Budgeting
- Treasury
- Risk management and changes
- Contract management
- Control of use of means by contract organizations
Short project description:
For Softprom group the implementation project of an automated system in Olympstroy State Corporation is unprecedented by quantity of at the same time developed subsystems covering the functionality all divisions of Corporation in branches of Moscow and Sochi.
Detailed description of the project:
Within the project five subsystems in a UPE&PlanDesigner platform common information space were developed and brought into commercial operation. Subsystems provide different functionality, but have transparent logical relationships, providing a possibility of complex information analysis.
Functionality of subsystems:
Subsystem of budget management and control
- Annual and the planning of budgets flowing (adjustment) (like "from below-up");
- Approvals and approvals of budgets;
- Import of actual data from 1C;
- Monitoring of execution of budgets including the analysis and search of the hidden patterns;
- Formation of consolidated budgets by branches of Olympstroy State Corporation and in general on Corporation;
- Conducting operational accounting and comparison of data of operational and accounting accounting.
- Formation of BDDS on the basis of an income and expense budget taking into account contractual commitments regarding calculations of the entering and proceeding creditor and debit debts;
- Formation of the plan of the capital investments of implementation of construction taking into account terms of design stages and construction of facilities of the program (coordination of terms of construction with volumes of mastering of the capital investments);
- Formation of the diagram of financing of construction of facilities on the basis of the plan of the capital investments in the automatic mode with a possibility of manual adjustment.
Subsystem of treasurer management and control
- Creation and adjustment of calendars of payments of structural divisions (with breakdown on days and also by construction objects, agreements, partners and articles of BDDS), automatic formation of the summary calendar of payments of Corporation;
- Formation of the calendar of payments on the basis of limits from the approved BDDS and also automatic calculation of deviations between limits and the amount of requests for financing;
- Approval and the approval of calendars of payments (initial and corrected);
- Formation of the register of payments;
- Import of the actual information;
- Monitoring of execution of payments including search of the hidden patterns;
- Management by exception of type: the initial plan / the corrected plan, the plan/fact.
Management subsystem risks and changes
- Visualization of "risk cards" of the project for integrated assessment of technical, management, organizational, financial and external risks.
- Maintaining the magazine of project risks with the following indicators: source of risks, group of risks, probability and expected frequency of emergence of risks, parameters of possible effects, expected time and duration of risks, threshold value of risks.
- Qualitative risk analysis on the basis of the final magazine of the identified project risks;
- Quantitative assessment of project risks in the automatic mode on the basis of the magazine of risks with priorities and a final matrix of probability/influence of the main risks (the card of risks);
- Formation of a responsibility matrix of participants of concerned parties of projects risk management, and also:
- cards of risks;
- criteria of approach of risk;
- plan of a risk response: actions for acceptance / transfer / reduction to an influence / exception of risks;
- the list of alternative solutions in case of approach of risks;
- schedules of actions and the participant list on risk control of the project;
- the budget of risk management which includes a reserve on management and a reserve of the management;
- reports.
Management subsystem agreements
- Creation and storage of data about the agreements signed by Corporation containing detailed information on each agreement, including copies of documents (the scanned images of agreements, acts of obligation fulfillment, agreements on providing obligations under the basic agreement, bank guarantees and so forth);
- Maintaining by executives in charge data on agreement performance, reasons for rejection from fixed terms and the taken measures for the purpose of elimination of violation with access isolation on fields for all agreements;
- Reminder to executives in charge (users) about approach of control events under agreements;
- Information analysis about arrears (debit and creditor) under agreements.
Subsystem of control of use of means by contract organizations
- Import and data storage from arrival reports and use by Contractors and services of funds of Corporation for construction of Olympic venues and implementation of the related other actions;
- Validation of calculation of settlement values in reports;
- Check of discrepancy of the passing values (balance for the beginning and for the end of the periods), values the accruing result between the periods;
- Search of the wrong calculations allowed by Contractors by preparation of arrival reports and use of means;
- Comparison of data on cash receipt from reports of contractors with actual data on payments imported, from a 1C system.