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TB24 RingTrace

Developers: Trace-Tech ID Solutions
Branches: Jewelry industry

The IQSKLAD IT integrator represents a tag of radio frequency identification for the jewelry industry. The miniature RFID tag of TB24 RingTrace has the special form factor developed for control and accounting of jewelry. Construction of this radio-frequency tag has the special fixer which is fixed, therefore, that it is impossible to release a product without having destroyed a RFID tag. Application of TB24 RingTrace significantly reduces time of accounting of jewel at its movement in the manufacturing plant and also in a batch by preparation for implementation.

File:RFID tag TB24-RINGTRACE.jpg

The RFID tag of TB24 RingTrace is created by the leading Spanish developer Trace-Tech ID Solutions at the request of large European jewelry houses. It has the built-in ID chip which contains the unique identifying code and allows to enter data on a product at the jewelry enterprise without a possibility of their reprogramming. Application in a tag of WORM technology (Write Once Read Many) allows to create the so-called "electronic passport" of each jewel and to save initial (factory) data before final implementation of a product to the client. It considerably reduces a possibility of abuses of intermediaries and sellers at sale of finished goods. Thus, the tag a RFID tag of TB24 RingTrace is the ready tool in fight against counterfeit products.