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OOO "NITOL Group" is the vertically integrated company which is a part of the international Group Nitol Solar. The priority direction of development of Group is production of a polysilicon and the products of its processing used in solar power.



The technology complex of the company includes a production chain: initial raw materials (chlorine and hydrogen) - trikhlorsilan - a polysilicon of solar quality.

Starting point for its development is the chemical complex including production of organochlorine products and caustic soda. Further development acting and creation of new technology capacities is performed using the advanced scientific developments in the field of production and environmental safety.

Production is located to Usolye-Sibirskoye of the Irkutsk region. A considerable part of products is sold in international market - in Europe and Southeast Asia.

Own technology capacities and resource base, available energy resources, use of the most effective of technologies and a team of highly qualified specialists allow Group to take today the leading positions in the market of solar power.


Productive activity of Group is performed based on two divisions – Polysilicon and Chemistry. Divisions of the company are integrated into a uniform production chain.

Within the Chemistry division production of chlorine, caustic soda, a number of chlorine-containing organic and inorganic products is performed. The division produces also the chlorohydrogen and auxiliary products used in production of a trikhlorsilan of the Polysilicon division. Trikhlorsilan is, in turn, raw materials for production of polysilicon (PKK).

Polysilicon division

Activity of the Polysilicon division includes production of a trikhlorsilan (THS) - the main raw materials used in widespread by Siemens - production technologies of polysilicon (PKK), and production of polysilicon. The first samples of polysilicon of solar quality are received at the beginning of 2008. The output of production of polysilicon at full capacity 3800 tons per year was going to be performed during 2010.

Chemistry division

Within the Chemistry division extraction of rock salt and production of chlorine, caustic soda, a number of chlorine-containing organic and inorganic products is performed. The division produces also the chlorohydrogen and auxiliary products used in production of a trikhlorsilan.

Himstroymontazh LLC (HSM) is the enterprise which is a part of the Chemistry division, specializing in chemical mechanical engineering.


On July 25, 2011 it became known that Valery Rostokin is appointed the CEO of Nitol. "It was my own considered decision which I made not spontaneously, - Rostokin told CNews. - It is connected first of all with desire to work at a real factory".

Priorities which were delivered before it by shareholders Rostokin calls ensuring the stated production volumes and the organization of "a modern corporate management system", and an area of responsibility, in addition - financial and sales policy of the company, corporate management and interaction with shareholders, investors and officials.

Before Rostokin's arrival by the CEO of Nitol there was Dmitry Kotenko who is at the same time one of owners of the company and the chairman of the board of directors of the company (he reserved this position). Except it also Sberbank has shares in the enterprise, Rusnano, structures of the World Bank of IFC and the Chinese Suntech Power. "Valery Rostokin will head a team of top managers which the ambitious task of an output of the enterprise in leaders of world photovoltaics faces", - Kotenko comments on new appointment.