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Serena ChangeMan ZMF (zSeries Mainframe)

Developers: Serena Software
Technology: Server platforms


The product Serena ChangeMan ZMF is one of the most powerful and full-function in a segment of a specialized software for change management and the software configuration for mainframes. In fact, Serena ChangeMan ZMF is a direct analog usual for distributed environments and Windows/Unix of platforms of modern means of configuration management, for example, such as, Serena Dimensions CM, Microsoft TFS, IBM Jazz, only on the platform of meynfrem. The product provides the modern and completely integrated tool kit for change management.

In other words, the product completely protects set on mainframes applied and system the software  from unauthorized change, the given applications, configuration files and variables,  providing full control of any changes of corporate program assets on a mainframe,  including development processes from problem definition before installation of the new version of executable code.  It, in turn, directly affects quality and reliability of applications, indicators of availability  and continuity of applications. It is known that using automated systems of configuration management  it is possible to reduce significantly risks of installation of the unchecked or low-quality version and to increase integrity  and stability of business applications.  Mainframes – not an exception. And risks and possible damage perhaps even above.  Serena ChangeMan ZMF has an open architecture, interfaces of integration with process management systems,  environments of configuration management for other Windows/Unix of platforms, development environments  that simplifies configuration management of the difficult business applications unrolled  in heterogeneous environments in one or more data processing centers (DPC).  ChangeMan ZMF considerably simplifies and increases software development performance for mainframes, increasing efficiency of team work of collective.

Use value:

  • ChangeMan ZMF simplifies process of passing of IT of audit for passing of internal, external, industry or international procedure of certification of development processes, quality control of the developed software, information security.  Passing of IT of audit is always rather expensive, responsible and expensive procedure on time.
  • ChangeMan ZMF increases quality of applications.  A downtime of a meynfrem or time of unavailability of the business application on mainframes very much expensive – such solutions are designed to run for years smoothly. Thus, komponenty the application software set on a mainframe where there are main modifications of the code is very essential.   
  • ChangeMan ZMF increases performance and predictability of development in conditions when rollback to the previous version is complicated or impracticable.

Key advantages:

  • Increases the level of transparency and control of development processes for meynfrem
  • Accelerates development and increases quality
  • Will organize development process, doing it repeated and predictable
  • Gives an opportunity to return to the previous version of the code, reducing time necessary by recovery after failure