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Баннер в шапке 2
2011/08/01 18:16:04

Why Customer Relationship Management System to the owner of small B2B of the company

If you at the same time the owner and the director of the small company which sells goods and services to other companies and at you are only several account managers, then, for certain, you have a question: "Why to me the Customer Relationship Management System, if the main seller in the company it I?"

The question is absolutely appropriate and logical and in this article we will try to give on it the pragmatic answer.

Small business differs in several key characteristics from the larger fellows:

  • The owner or the co-owner acts as the main seller
  • All are engaged in everything, and there is no accurate distribution of functions
  • Higher speed of decision making and reaction to requests of clients

These are those qualities which allow to survive in competitive struggle and give chances of transition to the following weight category - medium business.

The aspiration to transfer the business from discharge small to average, and then and in large business is and there is an answer to the question posed.

Healthy business of an ambition deserve as soon as possible to begin to use the Customer Relationship Management System for the solution of several tasks:

  • Without serious consequences to change sales managers
  • It is reasonable to save on advertizing
  • Not lose the entering customer appeals
  • To develop the new directions quicker

Without serious consequences to change sales managers

Sooner or later, there is long-awaited growth of the customer base and the director is not able any more to cope both with sales, and with other functions on service of the growing business.

Naturally, in such situation it is necessary to employ sales managers and there is a wish that return from them was the fastest since small business is not able to afford inefficient work or a long swing.

The one who showed the ropes of affairs of new sellers, knows, what is the time it takes away and as interferes with work the fact that all contacts are in own notebook, and the history of arrangements only in the head.

But if transfer of own contacts to the new person is still half the problem, then here parting with the seller who managed to work a year and a half and could acquire the customer base is already a trouble.

Desire to go to larger company or to create own small business – the most characteristic reasons of departure of good sellers from the small companies. No matter, what caused leaving, the fact that effects identical – departure of the specialist and loss of a part of the customer base together with it and sales is important. Any who came up against such situation, knows how not easy to obtain from leaving information on contacts with which it worked, the reached agreements and the issued promises if only it had all this in personal files and anywhere any more.

Here the Customer Relationship Management System which day by day as the vacuum cleaner collects customer information, suppliers, the history of communication with them was also useful to you. Everything that from you is required, it regularly to monitor that any sale and meeting was not completed without "traces" in the Customer Relationship Management System: contacts, phones, comments. Then when leaving the person you will lose only the specialist, and his practices will continue to work for development of your business even if it will carry away with itself(himself) the personal files.

It is reasonable to save on advertizing

One of the main methods to save on advertizing direct sales are. But to reach a large number of potential clients without having the automation equipment for preparation of mail and electronic mailings very difficult. But it is even more difficult to forget nobody after mailing and to call back to involve it in dialog for discussion of sales opportunity or to find out that there is no sense to it yet it is necessary to be knocked and call in one or two-three months.

Of course, when in the company dozens of sellers can also be selected certain people for telemarketing, there are no such problems, but when all are engaged in everything, it is important that tasks were evenly distributed between that who have an opportunity to process them, but at the same time there was no leapfrog and confusion.

It just for what the Customer Relationship Management System is necessary. The mechanism of preparation and management of mailings will help quickly and without special knowledge to carry out bulk mailing for tens and hundreds of receivers, and the system of joint calendars and tasks will allow to coordinate work of several people that nobody called one client twice.

Not lose the entering customer appeals

You give paid advertizing or attract clients using free mailings, it is very important to provide the maximum preserving of the entering flow.

How offensively to find a note on the table "Called from the company MEGAPOKUPATEL and asked to contact purchasing department by phone number 123-45-67", and having called, to hear that it should be made a few days ago. It appears, because of a draft the note got lost in papers and together with it an opportunity to receive the new client was lost.

If such situation is familiar to you, then think how many you could earn if you had a Customer Relationship Management System. The record made in the database will not be lost anywhere, and at due setup a system will automatically remind that there is an important unprocessed task or will send the message on the mobile phone.

To develop the new directions quicker

You will seldom meet the small growing company which offers clients of all the unique product and anything else. With growth the company begins to offer clients new products and to develop the new directions. While all this is done by one person, there are no problems, but as soon as in it process are involved a little, the situation when one manager does not know that he did another regularly begins to arise and "treads" to itself a way to the client even if there already "the road" was knurled by the colleague or the predecessor.

Reasons of such situation only two:

  • Simple ignorance about existence of "road"
  • The owner of "road" refuses "let" somebody, including "road" the property

It is excessive to speak, as that, and other phenomenon do not allow the company and to the owner of business to earn money quicker.

And again we remember the Customer Relationship Management System which collects data on that who day after day with whom and when communicated what was result of arrangements who in what company worked and where passed, who when and to whom is going to communicate. Undoubtedly, such information will allow to reduce time of "courting" for the client. But what is still important, she will allow to reduce load of nervous system of the director, it is not necessary to work in the mode of information bureau, distributing to employees of a command in style "go there and talk to that", especially, when was away on vacation and there is a wish to have a rest.