Customers: Best-lombard Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: 1C:VDGB Product: 1C: AccountingНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2011/05
Automation of accounting and tax accounting is carried out to Best Lomabrd LLC using implementation of the specialized 1C:VDGB program: A pawnshop 3, intended for the automated conducting accounting activity of pawnshops and developed as addition to the standard solution 1C: Accounting 8.
The management of Best Lomabrd LLC made the decision on implementation of the 1C:VDGB program for accounting of pawnshops as its functionality helps to implement accounting of all necessary transactions: acceptance of property as a deposit and its assessment, providing a loan, charge and collection of interest for using a loan, return of a loan by the pledger, sale of unclaimed things from biddings. The selected configuration provides following features:
- design of the main operations with mortgage tickets, including: pledge, repledge, the redemption, the partial redemption, the partial redemption with repledge, cancellation, transfer on an auction, return from an auction;
- predesign of a debt of the pledger for any date;
- the reference book of schemes of crediting with different rates and conditions;
- advanced execution of mortgage tickets, including — automatic calculation of loan amount on the basis of the set characteristics accepted as proof of things and storage of any characteristics for not jewelry things (in case of cars, for example VIN number);
- work with pledgers taking into account a grace time;
- printing of mortgage tickets as independently, and on ready (including numbered) forms;
- viewing the list of mortgage tickets with selection on the partner;
- full integration with accounting and tax accounting;
- advanced system of the organization of biddings;
- the system of buying up of values, with issue of receipts and a possibility of setting, both on balance sheet, and on off-balance accounting.
1C:VDGB program: The pawnshop 3 allows to conduct the following types of the reporting:
- report on the things which are in pledge;
- the report on the things which are in pledges and in buying up both in quantitative, and in weight expression (it is used when accounting jewelry things);
- the report on the issued amounts in buying up of a pawnshop;
- the reports reflecting the operations performed by a pawnshop (the redemption, repledge, etc.); status of mortgage tickets and things; history of pledgers and separate mortgage tickets and others;
- the reports allowing to see the profit of a pawnshop.
The configuration is implemented without significant changes. Specialists of "1C:VDGB" carried out free demonstration and program installation, elementary education of employees to work with it. Now the client is on information and technology support of 1C.