Automation of Sanatorium Dubovaya roshcha Federal State Institution of the Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation
Customers: Oak grove Sanatorium Tourism, hotel and restaurant business Contractors: End-to-end medical information systems - K-MIS Product: Karelian Medical Information System (KMIS)На базе: IBM Notes/Domino Project date: 2011/05
Implementation of complex MIS in organization began in December, 2010. The first stage of implementation included automation of the main part of medical and diagnostic process – maintaining the Electronic clinical record and automation of diagnostic service, including kliniko-diagnostic laboratory.
The main work on registration of patients of sanatorium is automated, the full "Electronic clinical record" is kept, diary surveys of doctors, protocols of diagnostic inspection are made out, results of laboratory diagnostics are entered. 50 users are connected to a system.
In the closest plans of this project implementation of new subsystems, including the module "Resettlement" (based on a subsystem of bed fund KMIS), subsystems Power supply. A special role in the project is played by plans for implementation of absolutely new solution from the structure of complex MIS of our company – the module "Treatment Cost Accounting" developed by request of these health facilities within "The financial and economic KMIS system".
Besides, also already implemented modules will develop. For example, connection of laboratory analyzers to a laboratory information system is planned.