Customers: Happyland Contractors: Antor Product: ANTOR LogisticsMasterProject date: 2005/06
About the Customer:
Happyland (Maksmarket LLC) – one of founders of the Russian low alcohol market, the largest developer in the Russian market and the producer of high-quality low alcohol and soft drinks. For several years Happyland is an undisputed leader of the low alcohol industry, being ahead of the closest competitors more, than twice.
Short project description:
With 2005 in TPH "Heppilend" ANTOR LogisticsMaster™ is successfully used. The total quantity of the processed requests makes more than 1000 daily.
Results of product introduction of ANTOR:
Ermishkin M.O. TPH "Heppi-Lend"
"… Thanks to ANTOR LogisticsMaster significant saving of the spent time and funds for the product delivery to clients is reached … "