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The director, the doctor of medical sciences, professor, the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the vice president of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the honored doctor of Russia, the chairman of the academic council of Federal State Budgetary Institution TSNIIOIZ Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and Council for protection of doctoral and master's theses in the specialty 2/14/03 — a public health and health care.
In 1973 graduated from the Sverdlovsk State medical institute, specialty "medical case". Experience of scientific work: 31 years. Main qualification: the organizer of health care, 2/14/03 — a public health and health care.
2020: Position assignment of the research supervisor of TSNIIOIZ of the Russian Ministry of Health
On August 19, 2020 it was announced Olga Kobyakova's appointment to a position of the director of Central Research and Development Institute of the organization and informatization of health care of the Russian Ministry of Health. She headed TSNIIOIZ instead of Vladimir Starodubov who will hold a post of the research supervisor of the center now. Read more here.
Participation in projects
- preparation of the bills "About Health Insurance";
- preparation of drafts of the Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation "Program of the State Guarantees of Rendering to Citizens of the Russian Federation of Free Medical Care" No. 461 of 6/28/2005, No. 885 of 12/30/2006, No. 286 of 5/15/2007;
- participation in preparation of state-of-the-art reviews "About results and the main activities of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation as subject of budget planning for 2007 and until 2010", "The report on the course of program implementation of the state guarantees of rendering to citizens of the Russian Federation of free medical care in 2006", "About key indicators of development of health care in 2006, the first half of the year 2007, etc.";
Main scientific works and publications
- Starodubov V.I., Flek V.O., Dmitriyeva E.D., Titova I.A. Use of a system of accounts in health care. — M.: Manager of health care, 2007.
- Starodubov V.I., Flek V.O. Efficiency of use of financial resources at delivery of health care to the population of the Russian Federation. — M.: Manager of health care, 2007.
- Starodubov V.I., Kalinin A.A., Shlyafer S.I. Primary medical care: status and perspectives of development. — M.: Medicine, 2007.
- Starodubov V.I., Mikhaylova Yu.V., Ivanova A.E. Problems of the Russian death rate, its effect and priority directions of actions. / Scientific works of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference on May 30-31, 2006 — M., 2006.
- Ensuring quality of medical care — a health care system priority//Providing and quality control of the medical and social care to the population. / Scientific works of the Russian scientific and practical conference on May 25-26, 2005 — M., 2005. (soavt. Starodubov V.I., Korotkova A.V.)
- Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"|the V degrees, 2011.
- Order of Honour, 2005.
- Honorary title "Honored doctor of the Russian Federation", 1999;
- Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow", 1997;
- Medal "For Labour Valour", 1989;
- Medal "For valorous work in commemoration of the 100 anniversary since the birth of V.I. Lenin", 1971.