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The project of migration from a software platform of HP of Open View Service Desk v. 4.5 on HP Service Manager in BSGV

Customers: Societe Generale Vostok bank (Bank Societe General Vostok (BSGV))

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Product: HPE Service Manager (HPSM)

Project date: 2011/09

HELiOS IT SOLUTIONS, the Russian system integrator and the largest supplier of ADP equipment for corporate and state customers entering into JSC Armada (MICEX, RTS: ARMD), announces project completion on migration of a management system for IT services from a software platform of HP of Open View Service Desk v. 4.5 on HP Service Manager in BSGV. Before BSGV worked as independent bank (Societe Generale Vostok Bank), on June 30, 2011 it was merged into Rosbank.

A few years ago BSGV selected the recommendations of ITIL as optimal approach to ensuring quality of IT services. BSGV purposefully carried out works on implementation of service-oriented model since 2005, gradually trying to obtain increase in efficiency and quality of providing IT services as in bank, and to his clients. Incident management processes, were during this time formalized and automated by changes, configurations, problems, quality of IT services and capacities. The software tool of automation of the listed processes was the well-known software product of HP Open View Service Desk v. 4.5.

By the beginning of the project of migration on a new software platform in bank in the system of HP Open View Service Desk v. 4.5 about 200 IT specialists worked, were developed and approved with business of 37 agreements on the quality level of IT services, more than 300000 addresses of users, from them about 80% of the standard requests processed on the predetermined schemes were registered and processed. In the database of process of management of configurations (CMDB) more than 7000 critical configuration units were considered, about 9000 communications between them were defined, information from CMDB was used for planning and implementation more than 2000 changes of IT services.

It became clear two years ago that requirements of bank outgrew possibilities of the software product of HP of Open View Service Desk v. 4.5, and the declaration of HP of the planned removal of a product from support in addition pushed bank to study of options of change of the automation equipment. Olga Skorobogatova, the Vice chairman of the board of Rosbank, says: "Together with head office of the Societe Generale group as the new platform of process automation of management of IT services we selected the software product of HP Service Manager.

And tender among the most prominent players preference was given in an analysis result of the market of services in migration to HELiOS IT SOLUTIONS company which already at a development stage of Technical specifications showed capability to deal both with the management processes implemented in bank, and with technology IT solutions, specified risks and difficulties at accomplishment of migration and offered satisfactory project deadlines and the worked approach".

As a result of project implementation based on the software product of HP Service Manager the new management system for IT services to which the logic acquired in recent years business and historical data are transferred is constructed now. A system offers the convenient user portal, maintains interrelations of processes and allows to exercise control of their execution. A system contains the built-in visualizers both for work with CMDB, and for graphic display of schemes of processing (workflow) of change requests, is integrated with a number of external systems, has the system of notifications using a HTML-format, conducts detailed history on objects of a system and provides this information in a convenient type, supports various types of the reporting.

Migration on the new platform of automation of IT services lifted limits of an old system and gave the chance of further improvement of all complex of management processes in IT departments of bank. "When developing Technical specifications on migration there was an installation on the minimum change of business logic, however possibilities of HP of Service Manager allowed, including, small efforts to make improvements in process automation. First of all it concerned Change management" — Nikolay Zenchenko, the architect of the solution from HELiOS IT SOLUTIONS claims.

"Certainly, it is very important for us that transition to a modern scalable software platform of management of IT services helped to save the intellectual investments made in the past. In addition, timely carried out migration significantly simplified a problem of consolidation of Societe Generale Vostok Bank and Rosbank regarding integration of IT services, allowed to introduce the acquired successful experience of use of service approach in again created structure of the united bank" — Olga Skorobogatova noted.