Customers: Retail Impulse Contractors: ClientSoft Product: Frontol SupermarketНа базе: Frontol Project date: 2011/07
The ClientSoft company automates retail retail chain stores of Retail Impulse (trade in impulsive goods of FMCG on the rented island outlets). The project started in March, 2011. At the moment 28 shops of network in the largest cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk) are automated.
On a decision-making stage before the Customer there was a task to select such automation system which will allow to open quickly new shops due to replication of standard solutions on all network. Among the main requirements to a cash system – convenience and simplicity in operation and also necessary and sufficient (not excess) functionality which will allow the seller-cashier to execute his main duty – to sell and to qualitatively service buyers, but not to be distracted by other tasks.
As the solution meeting the requirements of the Customer, the ClientSoft company offered the hardware and software system consisting of the software product of the class front-office "Frontol. Supermarket" and reliable equipment of the Posiflex trademark. Instead of the normal personal computer on point of sale the bezventilyatorny touch monoblock of Posiflex KS-6810 is used. The ergonomics and stylish design of this terminal allow to set it in the most limited space of a cash zone and at the same time to emphasize image of the Customer.
Within the project of automation the following works are performed:
- The preproject works including demonstration of a hardware and software system, approval of uniform software settings and a retail store equipment;
- Installation and setup of a hardware and software system for the existing and new shops of network;
- Setup of data exchange of the program of the front office "Frontol. Supermarket", set on outlets, and the program of a back office "1C: Retail 8" installed at the central office of the Customer;
- Training of sellers-cashiers, administrators of shops and staff of the central office in work with the new automation system.
The Retail Impulse company actively develops in the Russian market and wins new regions. The new automation system helps the Customer to manage the growing network and to keep all main business processes of the organization under control. Specialists ClientSoft provide comprehensive support of retail chain stores of the Customer across all territory of Russia.