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Specialists in CRM and developer Android – in deficit


21.09.11, 11:21, Msk

Ten scarce professions in the Russian market included developers under iOS and Android and CRM specialists in the field of e-commerce. From last year the situation in the market changed: then there was sharply not enough SAP consultants for industry automation.

The Antal Russia company published rating TOP-10 of scarce professions of 2011. Positions in rating are located with the list, but not in process of increase or decrease of demand for specialists. Two positions from ten – professionals in the field of IT.

According to Michael Germerschausen, the managing director of Antal Russia, deficit of highly skilled management personnel in labor market continues to amplify, and "there are no premises for its decrease yet". "However there are positions on which this deficit is even more considerable, than in general on the market", - he explained.

So, one of lines of rating of 2011 is occupied by a position of the developer of mobile applications for iOS and Android. With growth of popularity of mobile devices based on operating systems iOS and Android, demand for application developers for these OS increases.

Such specialists are demanded in the Internet industry, the media companies, the IT sector. "Developers with experience of creation and start of at least 2 - 3 applications are interesting to employers. Such candidates in the market are not enough", -Maxim Tsarsky, the consultant of department of IT/Telecom of the recruiting company [[Imperial Maxim|]] explained. The level of income of developers under it the platform reaches 100-170 thousand rubles a month net of any taxes.

The second scarce IT specialty - the specialist in CRM (Client Relationship Management) in the sector of e-commerce. In rating it is said that the Russian market endures e-commerce "boom". And one of the keys to success of this business – competently built work with clients therefore CRM specialists with work experience in Internet business are at the peak of demand now.

Maria Zolotaryova, the senior consultant of Antal Russia, says that specialists in CRM in e-commerce are responsible for increase in sales level and service by preserving and information analysis about clients, the history of relationship with them, development of programs of loyalty. "Candidates in the market are not enough as this specialty in Russia can learn only in practice", - she added. Level of income on this position reaches 150-200 thousand rubles a month net of any taxes.

Among other specialties mentioned in the rating of 2011: the methodologist on accounting/management accounting, the technology manager of "lean production" (LEAN), the corporate clients manager (investment products), the strategic planning manager in advertizing agency. And also manager on registration of medicines / medical equipment, manager of construction projects, corporate coach on cookery and labor law lawyer

The rating of scarce professions was released by Antal Russia as well in 2010. Then from IT specialties the consultant for implementation of the production module of SAP entered it.