Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2011/09/21 11:35:58

Budget classification of the Russian Federation

Budget classification of the Russian Federation — the grouping of income, expenses and financing sources of deficits of budgets of a budget system of the Russian Federation used for drawing up and execution of budgets, drawing up the budget reporting, providing comparability of indicators of budgets of a budget system of the Russian Federation.



Budget classification of the Russian Federation includes:

  • classification of income of budgets;
  • classification of expenses of budgets;
  • classification of financing sources of deficits of budgets;
  • classification of transactions of public legal entities (classification of transactions of the sector of public administration — KOSGU).


The value of budget classification in the budget system of the state is that with its help there is possible an observation of the movement of budget resources. On the basis of component analysis of budget items the analysis of the corresponding indicators is carried out that gives the chance to formulate outputs and offers on formation and use of budget funds. Besides, it considerably simplifies consolidation of estimates and budgets in the general summary documents. Existence of budget classification assumes assignment to each organization and the organization of a certain code.


  • Budget code of the Russian Federation of 7/31/1998 N 145-FZ
  • Instruction for budget accounting. It is approved as the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 N of 148 N
  • Instructions on an order of use of budget classification of the Russian Federation. Are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 12/30/2009 N of 150 N
