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Russia fell by 8 lines in world IT rating


27.09.11, 13:24, Msk

In the world ranking of competitiveness of the IT industry Russia in the last two years fell by 8 lines and took the 46th place among the world countries.

Russia loses positions in the field of information technologies, in comparison with other countries. The Index of competitiveness of IT of the industry from Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in edition of 2011 demonstrates to it. Russia in 2009 held the 38th place of rating, and this year – only the 46th.

Among countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Russia concedes to Bulgaria, but advances Ukraine. For comparison, Ukraine took in 2011 the 51st place of rating, Kazakhstan – the 70th line.

Russia fell by 8 positions down, in comparison with 2009, owing to decrease in indicators on two categories: to the level of development of Research and Development and state support of development of IT of the industry.

At the same time on a number of indicators of the Index Russia shows improvement of results: first of all, in the field of a human capital, thanks to wide and well organized system of scientific institutions and preparation of the engineering personnel and also existence of one of the biggest contingents of IT of specialists in the world.

Among spheres in which positive dynamics based on a research was also observed: IT infrastructure where active development of broadband and mobile Internet access and also the regulatory base continues.

According to Ekaterina Gromova, the chairman of the Russian committee of BSA, despite improvement of a position of Russia in category of legal climate from the 58th place to the 54th, "a status of the regulatory base on the general, global background remains quite weak". "We also believe that the ease in the field of suppression of violations of intellectual property rights on the software will not promote further improvement of positions of Russia in this category".

In edition, the fourth since 2007, the Index compares 66 countries on the IT of the industry, main, important for development, to indicators: general business environment, infrastructure, human capital, research activity, legal regulation and public support of development of the industry.

The greatest changes in comparison with edition of the Index of 2009 affected Malaysia which jumped on 11 positions in overall rating thanks to surge in research activity, and India which rose by 10 positions thanks to research activity and dynamic employee development for IT of the industry.