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Oknosoft: Management of job order production

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Trade Management 8
Developers: Oknosoft
Technology: Accounting systems


For automation of management accounting of activities for production and installation of windows, doors, office partitions, stained-glass windows and other similar products the Intensive Center "Oknosoft" (1C: Franchisee, Chelyabinsk) proposes the industry application solution "Oknosoft: Management of job order production". The solution is addition to the drawing software products "1C: Trade Management 8" and "1C: Integrated Automation 8".

The application solution is developed taking into account industry specifics and the experience got by employees Oknosoft at automation of activity of the enterprises of the industry within 6 years.

Specifics of production of translucent constructions

Cycle of production of one product rather short, as a rule, from 1 to 3 days. Daily order amount can be considerable and make from 100 to 500 orders. At the same time orders are small and unique. Desire as much as possible to use labor resources causes a high load on managers and the manager of production. So, daily on one manager can fall up to 100, and on one manager of production – up to 300 orders.

To approve readiness date of the order with the client, it is necessary to analyze quickly in the course of the conversation the planned production loading and also to plan dates and time of a visit of the measurer, delivery of constructions and accomplishment of installation works.

Calculation of the sizes of structural elements is made in specialized technology programs. Finished product output is executed for one repartition. Due to the high speed of turnover of materials warehouse stocks at the enterprise can be absent. It causes need of operational vendor interaction of materials and difficult semi-finished products – a profile from aluminum and PVC, double-glazed windows, vodootliv, accessories, etc.

Let's consider the main possibilities of the software product "Oknosoft: Management of job order production".

Workplace of the manager

For the solution of various tasks, since registration of a contact information of the client and finishing with installation of a product, in the program the special interface - "Workplace of the Manager" (WM) is intended. Despite historically developed name, practically all employee categories – the sales manager, the designer, the cashier, the shop manager, the storekeeper, the claims manager and also the director work with this interface not only the manager, but also.

In the course of registration of the preliminary arrangement with the client the manager enters his data and can plan date and time of measurement of parameters of construction at once. At the same time information on the current loading of measurers with detailing on time, areas and contractors is available to the manager. At the request of the client planning of measurement can also be executed later, after approval of it of more convenient time. Let's notice that the program contains tools which allow to reserve the measurer's time and also to transfer tasks between measurers for the purpose of optimization of their routes.

Execution of the sketch and specification of construction and also calculation of its cost value are executed based on measurement in specialized programs. "Oknosoft: Management of job order production" supports import of specifications from the technology Superokna, AluRol, Schucal, Klaes, XLS and Profstroy programs.

In case of the consent of the client with the product price with it it is signed a contract to produce and installation of construction which provides complete or stage payment of products and the performed works.

On the next stage the customer order is started in work and joins in production schedules, the delivery services and mounting division. Supplier orders and a complete set of materials are executed on the basis of the production schedule. Printing of production dresses with drawings of products is provided in the program. After production registration it undergoes control of Quality Department and arrives on a finished goods warehouse.

Preliminary date of installation works is calculated at a stage of signing of the contract. After receipt of products on a warehouse refining and approval of date of installation of the client are executed. The finished goods can be independently exported by the client from a warehouse or are delivered to it by transport of the enterprise. A delivery service it is possible to include in order cost at a stage of its design or later when the order is already created.

For work with customer complaints the possibility of formation of claims and control of works on elimination of defects of constructions is provided in the program.

Timely and fair registration of the enterprise of events by employees which take place on each section allows to obtain all information, necessary for work, on the order in RMD.

In the program the possibility of information input is provided in RMD not only from the keyboard, but also using barcode scanners. In this case the production process, complete sets and shipments is displayed in a system in real time.

Accounting in production. Actual cost

The classical scheme of production accounting provides reference of materials on costs at the time of production registration. The short cycle of production of windows and availability of exact information on materials requirement for accomplishment of the specific order allowed to refuse this scheme. Write-off of materials on costs is executed in the program in their date of transmission from a warehouse in production according to the document "Write-off order" which forms automatically, on the basis of "A task for production" and contains the data on materials requirement calculated according to specifications.

For write-off it is necessary to point to production of services, a commission fee of managers and the price-work salary of workers at registration of these costs the order and products.

Costs which cannot be carried quickly on release of specific products are distributed at the end of the month using the documents "Distribution of Materials" and "Distribution of Other Costs".

In parallel with the cost accounting on production in a system quantitative and amount-based account of a business trimming by lengths of segments is kept. Data on a remaining balance of a business trimming are used for linear cutting of a profile by preparation of production documents.

Optimization of cutting of a profile

In practice when forming the specification of windows consider coefficient of a trimming of a profile, equal about 5-7%. At the same time if the workshop manages to lower this coefficient to 4–5%, then it is considered good result.

Optimization of cutting of a profile using the genetic algorithm which allows to reduce trimming coefficient from planned 5–7% to the actual 1–2% is provided in the program and to receive as a result of 30–50 thousand rubles of economy on each one million spent for a profile. Losses of 1-2% are, as a rule, connected with defects of raw materials and violations of technology process.

Optimization of cutting is executed for the products included in "A task for production" and for it along with the whole switches of a profile the business trimming which remained from the previous cuttings is used. As a result of optimization in the document "Write-off order" the whole quantity of switches which is necessary for task performance will be substituted. Results of optimization can be printed in the form of the cutting chart for material of each type.

Making the decision on use of mechanisms of automatic cutting of a profile, it is necessary to consider that after optimization profile segments which belong to one product will be distributed on different switches. It does not allow to organize assembly of products in parallel with cutting of procurements.

The ideal solution is work of production in two changes. At the same time one change cuts procurements, and following is engaged in assembly of products. A compromise solution cutting of a replaceable task batches of products is considered till 30-50.

At the same time, on the one hand, high rates on a trimming are reached, and with another – quite uniform loading of sections of welding and accessories turns out.

If the enterprise is equipped with CNC machines, then the program can on the basis of tasks for production create the files necessary for operation of machines.

Now software product "Oknosoft: Management of job order production" is successfully operated at 14 enterprises located in the different cities of Russia and Ukraine.

It should be noted that the solution "Oknosoft: Management of job order production" can be used not only for the window enterprises, but also for any production with a large number of unique orders without repartitions. So, today users of the software product are also producers of horizontal and vertical blinds, a rolling shutter, automatic gate, window sills and vodootliv.