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43% of the companies consider the cybersecurity systems "impenetrable"


29.09.11, 14:49, Msk
Текст: Sergey Mazharov

Economy on security systems leads to losses of reputation and competitiveness. However more than 40% of heads of business are sure of impermeability of the existing security systems of their companies.

The ninth annual world overview in the field of information security which is carried out by the CSO magazine and PricewaterhouseCoopers company demonstrates that the vast majority of heads of the companies and CIO are too self-confident concerning security systems in their companies.

Last year showed that in the world constantly there are loud date leaks and cracking of the systems of the enterprises, and computer viruses are capable to destabilize work of the largest companies, state including military, the organizations. Victims of computer threats the companies working in the field of security - RSA Security and HBGary Federal, military contractors - Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, giant in the field of entertainments of Sony, large the companies of retail, the company of health care and research firms are already listed.

Despite these attacks, from nearly 10 thousand (more than 9.6 thousand) polled during the overview of technology bosses and heads of business, 43% consider themselves protected, are sure that they own the reliable strategy of security and effectively apply it, the study says.

Mark Lobel, the head of department of consultations of PricewaterhouseCoopers company, considers quite strange when so many organizations consider behaving in the field of security. Actually, "not 43% [are] leaders".

Pete Lindstrom, directors of research has Spire Security, other opinion. "Or 43% deceive themselves, or they successfully reached the high level in determination of strategy of security and its application", - he considers.

For the purpose of the best understanding of the actual opportunities of the respondents declaring the leadership in security management, PwC eliminated results taking into account factors which, according to it, are signs of real leadership. "When we finished this analysis, the number of such leaders decreased from 43% to 13%", - Lobel told.

Analysts ask a question: from where did this unreasonable confidence undertake? "Perhaps, to them there was nothing bad yet, or they know what bad already happened, - Lobel considers. – With high probability such approach can create false feeling of security".

Similar complacency partly explains the reason why so many organizations decided to postpone financing of security systems. This year, according to 51% of respondents, they delayed the capital costs connected with security in comparison with 46% last year. Not avoid operating expenses anyway, and 48% of respondents say that they postponed the projects. In comparison with 43% the previous year.

It does not say that respondents do not make investments in security. They incur expenses and place emphasis on protection against the attacks from the Internet, deployment of the technologies directed to their warning. Last year investments into applications firewalls grew from 72% to 80%, and investments in sensors of a malicious code grew from 72% to 83%.

According to Lobel, "data demonstrate that the companies do not make investments into the processes necessary for sure security policy as protection of the enterprise works together with technology", - the analyst emphasizes.

Robert Fecteau, the employee on business technologies of BAE Systems company, calls short-sighted reductions of budgets on security. Breaks of security systems can lead to date leak about products, will ruin reputation and will make the company of less competitive, he notes. "If your systems undergo cracking, everything that you assumed to save in the course of reduction of the budget, will be lost", - Fecteau emphasized.