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Chrome will win against Firefox soon


30.09.11, 10:38, Msk

The Google Chrome browser if continues to increase audience the same rates, will shortly force out Firefox from the second place in the world market of browsers. Analysts argue on when it occurs – at the end of this year or in the middle of the following.

Google Chrome can force out Firefox from positions of the second most popular browser in the world. Date provider StatCounter stated that Chrome instead of Firefox will take the second place after Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) no later than December of this year. As of September, according to this company, Chrome share in the world market of browsers made 23.6%, Firefox – 26.8%. IE occupied 41.7% of the market.

Growth of audience of Chrome in 2011 was impressive: the browser share from January to September increased by about eight points, and in general the growth rate was 50%. For the same period of Firefox lost nearly 4% or 13% of the share for the beginning of year, and IE lost 9% of the share in the market. It means that Chrome seriously steps on heels of Firefox and IE.

If this trend until the end of the year does not change, then the audience of Chrome will come very close to number of users of Firefox in November, at the same time in December its indicators will exceed Firefox indicators. Their shares will be distributed, according to the forecast as 26.6% to 25.3%.

StatCounter not the only company which is engaged in measurement of a share of browsers. The American firm Net Applications, for example, shows a much bigger gap between Firefox and Chrome. According to this company for August, shares of browsers made: Firefox – 22.6%, and at Chrome have only 15.5%.

According to forecasts of Net Applications, Chrome share by the end of 2011 will not exceed 17.8%, and the share of Firefox will make 22.3%. But the main output, nevertheless, is identical: Chrome will exceed Firefox to the middle of 2012, consider in Net Applications.

As Net Applications makes much deeper monitoring in comparison with StatCounter, for example, its data cover such large market as China, probably data of the American company are more exact.

A number of producers of browsers, for example Microsoft, always refer to data of Net Applications. However, it is not surprising as Net Applications considers a share of IE much above, than other firms like StatCounter – at the level of 55.3%.

Nevertheless, both Net Applications, and StatCounter point to one trend: decrease in number of users of IE and Firefox against the background of growth of audience of Chrome.