Since 2004
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
190020, Obvodny Canal Emb., 138, body 101, office 301
Since 2004
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
190020, Obvodny Canal Emb., 138, body 101, office 301
The Spetsbalttrans transport company working since 2004 in the field of oversized transportations offers the widest range of services, the large-size and heavy loads connected with transportations:
- Development and approval of the transport scheme of transportation
- Analysis of technical capability of transportation
- The analysis of material and time expenditure on transportation
- Selection of means necessary transport
- Preparation of traveling and warehouse documents
- Customs clearance
- Cargo insurance
- Design of necessary permissions and admissions
- Freight forwarding in the port of St. Petersburg
- Preparation and drawing up the surveyor report and quantity and a status of the arrived loads
- Pogruzo-discharging
- Organization of the movement and maintenance by machine of cover and traffic police
- In 2007 Spetsbalttrans is recognized as corresponding to the status "Leader of the Russian Economy". Since 2010 Spetsbalttrans - the member of the St. Petersburg industrial chamber and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.