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Windows XP dies


04.10.11, 10:35, Msk

Windows XP hands over several months Windows 7 positions so in October of the next year it can already give the last a rank of the most popular operating system from Microsoft. Windows 7 by that moment will control 50% of the market.

The operating system Microsoft Windows XP lost the unprecedented number of users last month, the study says Net Applications. A system loses positions of 10 weeks to a row, in September its share decreased almost by 2% and approached a critical mark of 50.5%. This largest falling for all history XP.

By and large, for Microsoft it is good news as it actively urges users to update XP to the version of Windows 7. "Time it came to make", - the operating officer of corporation Kevin Turner said during the interview with financial analysts last month.

While the share of VP decreases, Windows 7 positions, on the contrary, become stronger: in September the share of this version in the world market of operating systems increased by 1.8% and made 32.4% - record value since 2009. For the last 12 months "seven" increased 14.8%, having almost doubled the share.

Projection of how Windows 7 will gradually drive out of the Windows XP market

Image:Windowsxp share sep 2011.jpg

Source: Net Applications, September, 2011

For the same time frame the intermediate version of Windows Vista, a big problem for corporation, lost 4.7%. At the moment only 9.1% of the operating systems connected to the Internet fall to its share (namely such systems are available to Net Applications accounting).

The trend established in the market puts XP and 7 in opposition to each other so if it remains, the situation will cardinally break already in the first half of the next year, perhaps, in May, analysts predict. Then Windows 7 will replace XP as operating system No. 1 from Microsoft.

By that moment when there is Windows 8, Windows 7 already will be able to receive to a half of the world market of operating systems: for example, by October, 2012 its share will make, according to forecasts, 48%. In the past new versions of Windows always became the beginning of decline of the previous versions, doing them non-profitable.

So far the corporation does not show the card concerning date of a release of the new version, but most of industry experts believes that Microsoft will copy the schedule of release of the seventh version which, we will remind, entered the market in October, 2009.

According to the same research, the Mac OS X system increased in September the share by 0.4% up to 6.5% - both digits are records for it.