Customers: Trastbank of RB Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Novacom Product: Directum (EDMS/ECM system)Project date: 2011/09
The certified partner of DIRECTUMV of Belarus – Novacom company – announces end of a proyektavnedreniye of the DIRECTUM BEL system in Trastbank Ltd. In a project deliverable in bank bylovnedreno new business solution Credit folder.
The closed aktsionernoyeobshchestvo Trastbank conducts the history since 1994. All seventeen letsvoy presence in financial market of Republic of Belarus bank of a priderzhivayetsyastrategiya of the universal credit institution which is actively working as skorporativny, and with private clients. Positioning itself as a sovremennuyuorganization, Trastbank is guided by implementation of high technologies and a povysheniyekvalifikation of the employees.
In 2010 the company management made the decision of a oneobkhodimost of system implementation of electronic document management from a tselyyuavtomatization of processes of work with documents, key for bank. Bylorganizovan tender on the right of delivery and system implementation. At rassmotreniizayavka special attention was paid to compliance of developments of a normamzakonodatelstvo of Republic of Belarus. As a result of the carried-out konkursabyl the electronic document management system and interaction managements of DIRECTUM BEL developed especially for the Belarusian users is selected.