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Sandor (1C: Enterprise 8.0)

Customers: Sandor

Food industry

Contractors: 1C: Tellurium
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2007/11
Number of licenses: 100

The Ukrainian company of Sandor, producer of natural juice, completed the first stage of system implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 for Ukraine" at the central office and at the largest plant of the company in the city of Nikolaev. The project the companies "execute 1C: Tellurium" and Art Software.

More than 100 jobs are automated. Among the first results of implementation the management notes decrease in transportation costs and triple increase in speed of reporting. Prior to the beginning of the project operational and the company kept accounting in the original configuration based on "1C: Enterprise 7.7" developed by forces of own IT department. A system developed within six years, and by the end of 2006 in it worked up to 160 users (from them up to 70 at the same time at the central office). The solution was from several databases.

Since 2005, with emergence as a part of the company of four new plants and growth of production volume and distribution, there was a need for creation of the new information system allowing to increase integrity and efficiency of data and also to solve problems of management and planning.

The main part of works on implementation was performed by the customer's IT department, attracting external consultants at a system design, solutions difficult technology questions and user training and employees.

During implementation the company continued to operate the old software solution. For an exception of need to enter data export of information from an old system in new was adjusted twice. Such scheme of work provided a guarantee of continuity of business processes, minimum risks at the predicted results and consecutive training and connection of new users.

The first stage of the project lasted 12 months (4 months – setting of technical specifications, 6 – development and trial operation, 2 – commercial operation). About 14 people were involved in the project in total (from them 8 employees of own IT service). Since January, 2007 the company could refuse an old system completely.

At the leading plant of the company and at the central office the normative subsystem (reference books by partners, nomenclatures, divisions), the pricing block taking into account features of deliveries of goods for export, control of the equipment, fixed assets, intangible assets, invaluable non-current assets is started. Management of settlement with partners is conducted by orders and according to settlement documents. In process of management of stocks the possibility of recovery of the sequence of receipt of batches at introduction of documents is implemented backdating. Management of reserves is complemented with a possibility of the statement of goods and its reservation from several storage locations one document and operational rereservation.

At order management mechanisms of import/export of price lists for clients, their mailing with the subsequent loading in orders are created. Also the possibility of import/export of data to the client bank system of nine different banks is implemented. The subsystem of control of the issued advance payments and charge of penalties at violation of terms of submission of reports works. Cost accounting regarding direct costs is implemented.

When accounting the VAT mechanisms of control of the statement and adjustment of the written-out tax delivery notes, group processing of the received tax delivery notes are created. The regulated reporting is formed. At the moment in the company 110 jobs are automated, in a system 300 users are registered, are up to 40 one-time connections, about 30,000 documents monthly are entered.

According to the customer, implementation of a single system gave to the enterprise increase in transparency of accounting, reliability and efficiency of information obtained by the management. Terms of reporting were reduced by 2-3 times. For 15% transportation costs were reduced by movement of goods between warehouses.

In the nearest future automation of calculation of complete cost value is planned; budgetings; personnel management and payroll; accounting of structure of the information equipment; managements of work of IT department; divisions of distribution of trading house of the company, including integration of a system into personal digital assistants. The company intends to be engaged in performance improvement of a system and to execute transition to the 1C: Enterprise 8.1 platform.