Customers: Russia Heinz (H.J. Heinz)
Contractors: NPP Spectec (Spectec) Product: TRIMProject date: 2011/08 - 2012/09
Number of licenses: 42
The Heinz company for the first time in Russia started the system of maintenance and repair (MRO) from "cloud" (according to the SaaS model). A supplier of this solution is NPP Spectec companies.
Project Progress
The MRO implementation project at the enterprises "Russia Heinz" started in September, 2011. The software platform selected EAM/MRO system of TRIM from NPP Spectec, however, that it will be used according to the SaaS model, the parties agreed at once.
In a year which passed since the beginning of start of the project before its delivery in commercial operation was the MRO database of a system is created: at two plants of the customer (in Otradnoye of the Leningrad Region and in Georgiyevsk of Stavropol Krai) the equipment passported and also created reference books and directories on standard works of maintenance, the staff list, spare parts and materials.
At the time of input of a system in commercial operation in September, 2012 the database contains about 1200 items of equipment and 3000 spare parts. During its creation synchronization of stock balance of spare parts was carried out to TRIM with data of inventory accounting in a 1C system and also the converter of data between two systems is developed.
Besides, NPP Spectec adapted functionality of the TRIM platform for "Heinz" (for example, the data reception algorithm from the scanner of barcodes is added). Installation of the MRO system on the server in the data center located in St. Petersburg became a key stage of the project. Specialists of NPP Spectec unrolled on it the created database, set the software of TRIM and the converter with 1C.
Project Results
A system is officially put into operation in September, 2012. Users work in a system, addressing it on the Internet from the computers. For their work as the customer industrial computers (booths) directly in workshops are installed. In total in a system 42 users are registered. Technical support of a system will be given by NPP Spectec about what with "Heinz" the long-term agreement is signed.