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Moscow Center of educational technologies (IP call center of Naumen Phone)

Customers: Moscow Center of educational technologies (I-school) (Center of education "Technology of training")

Moscow; Science and education

Product: Naumen Contact Center (before IP call center of Naumen Phone)

Project date: 2006/11

The project of process automation of support of agreements and technical support of the educational project "I-school" is implemented based on the Naumen Service Desk and Naumen Phone software products.

Project Objectives

Active development of the project "I-school" and increase in number of his pupils resulted in need of automation of internal processes of TsO "Technologies of Training". It was required to create the uniform relevant database on pupils, teachers and agreements to simplify process of search, updating of information and also collecting of statistics and creation of reports.

It was necessary to organize a uniform contact point for pupils and teachers and to automate process of accounting of the requests arising within process of technical support.

Also within the project it was supposed to automate process of vendor interaction, for the purpose of accounting of the works transferred to suppliers, the analysis of timeliness of their end, quality evaluation of the carried-out works.

Main objective was quality improvement of service of project participants "I-school" and improvement of control of service processes.

Project Progress

Contractors selected consulting company "5-55" and the developer of software solutions — the NAUMEN company having experience of implementation of similar projects and own IT solutions for business process automation.

During the first stage the 5-55 company conducted examination of the customer, the description of business processes and regulations is prepared. Installation by specialists of NAUMEN company of a complex of the Naumen Service Desk software products in the territory of the customer was the next step. Setup of reference books and reports and also training of staff of the Center was carried out.

Integration of Naumen Service Desk into the educational portal of school was in addition implemented. Thanks to integration of these systems automatic control of access for pupils to portal resources depending on an agreement status with TsO "Technologies of Training" became possible.

During the project specialists of 5-55 company provided training and coaching of staff of the Center who took "Bases of ITIL — the Principles of the IT Departments Organization of the Company" and "Service Level Management" courses. Signing of the contracts on IT service", giving an idea of how should is based technical support on the basis of the international standards.

The first stage of the project was completed in November, 2005.

The organization of a uniform contact point with technical support service of "I-school" based on the IP software product call center of Naumen Phone became the second stage of the project. Specialists of NAUMEN company carried out system implementation in the territory of the customer, started call center and trained the staff of the Center.

During the project interaction of the Naumen Phone and Naumen Service Desk systems was configured. Integration of systems provided to call center operators an opportunity to obtain all necessary information on calling in processing of a call.

The second stage of the project was completed in September, 2006.

Project Results

During the project the following processes were automated:

  • support of agreements with pupils and teachers;

  • technical support of pupils and teachers;

  • acceptance and processing of calls to a support service.

Staff of the Center had a possibility of operating control behind all stages of passing of the agreement – from registration of the request, agreement signature, connection and equipment installation before prolongation or agreement cancelation. In a system information collected at each stage is saved: map of the pupil, agreement, questionnaires and so forth. On each of stages a system provides the staff of the Center a necessary document package generated on the approved templates.

Thanks to the web interface except the staff of the Center jobs in a system were received by project implementation specialists of two main partners of TsO "Technologies of Training": supplier of a computer hardware, DPI company and MTU-Intel Internet service provider. Upon transition of the agreement to a stage of connection and equipment installation in a system dresses for suppliers are created. Representatives of suppliers are notified by e-mail on need of equipment of the new pupil and thanks to remote access in a system obtain all necessary information and then report on execution of works.

For quality improvement of technical support of the project "I-school" was organized a uniform point of acceptance and registration of all requests, including the requests concerning repair of computers and problems when using the Internet. Each request is registered in the database and is transferred to engineers of support or representatives of suppliers, time supervision of processing of a request is conducted.

Project perspectives

During the next stage of the project it is planned:

  • provide registration of new types of requests and tracking of their status via the educational portal;

  • automate accounting of the movement of the equipment using the module Inventory.

The solution of the last task will allow the staff of the Center to obtain information on the nomenclature and installation date of the equipment at each pupil or the teacher at any moment, to automatically create copies of delivery and acceptance certificates and to register the signed acts.