Customers: KAMAZ of STC Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: Intelcom Kazan Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2011/08
In a system all production cycle, from development of design documentation before release of a ready sample of the car is reflected. Production requirements analysis, planning and control of deliveries of component parts, the cost accounting, cost accounting is conducted. Assembly of cars in strict accordance with design documentation is as a result provided, the possibility of inappropriate use of component parts is excluded. In the unified information system specialists of a different profile work, labor costs were several times reduced by input and data processing.
The JSC KAMAZ scientific and technological center (STC) is a key link in creation and development of new models of KamAZ trucks. The main activities of the enterprise are development of trucks and engines, production and testing of prototypes, certification and transfer to serial production of main types of products of JSC KAMAZ.
Activity of STC "KAMAZ" is connected with accomplishment of research, developmental and technology works with respect thereto the cost accounting in division is kept by orders.
Earlier in STC of JSC KAMAZ for accounting different application programs separately were used. Practically there was no interrelation between data of accounting and management accounting, there was no online access to up-to-date information, repeated data entry was required, the share of paper document flow was rather high. All this, eventually, led to increase in costs and time for creation of a product.
Main objective of the project was creation of the single corporate system of management and production resource planning providing including, a full-fledged full-time job with the data given from specialized information resources of the enterprise (design programs, the KAMAZ, Mode, Protection system, etc.).
Also it was required:
- Unify business processes of STC "KAMAZ".
- Fix the problems connected with use of functionally outdated systems and possible absence of the specialists capable to ensure their normal functioning.
- Reduce labor input of accounting processes due to reduction of paper document flow and an exception of repeated data entry.
The implementation project of "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" was executed for short term - 6 months. The new information system is used in 120 workplaces and covers all divisions participating in production planning process, creation of a new product and the cost accounting on it:
- Design-technology department
- Department of logistics
- Bureau of planning and preparation of production
- Planned and dispatching bureau
- Department of planning and economic analysis
- Accounting
In "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 82 end-to-end account of each order, production planning according to the approved schedules of execution of orders is kept. Plan-fact expense analysis of component parts, detailed accounting and cost analysis by orders is provided that allows to calculate cost value of each of them.
Among the most significant results received from implementation of a new system, the management of STC of JSC KAMAZ notes the following: Process of study of design documentation by technologists became simpler and accelerated. Design documentation on the car forms designers in the specialized Teamcenter PDM program and is transferred to processing to technologists.
Automation of loading and processing of design documentation in "1S:UPP8" in the form of the ready pick list allowed to reduce labor costs by 70%: now to technologists on study of each node requires no more than half an hour. Production requirements analysis is automated, planning of deliveries of Inventories accelerated and became simpler, the possibility of the detailed analysis of the planned purchases of component parts appeared.
The user-friendly automated interface for economists-pickers of service of supply which helps is created:
- quickly, according to pick lists to estimate total requirement of production at Inventories and to compare them with the available stocks in a warehouse.
- to automatically reserve a free remaining balance under the specific order and to calculate total deficit of component parts.
On the basis of the created deficit of component parts 2 purchase plans quickly are created: in Purchasing department and logistics (DZIL) - on the centralized purchase and delivery from outside, and in the Department of Production Management (DPM) on delivery of component parts from the plants of a technology chain of JSC KAMAZ, with indication of necessary details: receiving routes, i.e. supplier plant, nomenclature codes, etc.
Control of quantity and contents of supply requisitions of component parts is as a result provided, there is an exact detailed information on the ordered materials by production orders.
Calculation of cost of the planned purchases became simpler and accelerated. A considerable part of data on the prices of batch production in nomenclature plans for DUP and DZIL is filled out literally with "clicking of one button".
For 30% labor costs were reduced by search and price analysis on original component parts. The automated price analysis on spare parts analogs allows to pick up the most acceptable position quickly. Summary data on the planned purchases of component parts automatically are considered at budgeting of cash flow.
Accurate control of receipt of component parts from suppliers by orders is provided. Automation of the plan-fact analysis of purchase plans allowed to browse quickly the component parts arriving from suppliers, and in cases of underdeliveries in "1S:UPP8" operation on prolongation of the plan is automated. Thus, accounting and control of receipts of component parts according to all purchase plans is provided.
Work of the storekeepers on material accounting arriving from the plants of a technology chain of JSC KAMAZ is considerably facilitated: data are loaded automatically from the 1C: Enterprise system of the supplier or the KRO system (KAMAZ, the Mode, Protection) when importing component parts to the territory of STC of JSC KAMAZ. It allowed to refuse data entry duplication, to accelerate document creation, to minimize influence of a human factor.
Control of transfer on production of component parts became more strict: Now it is conducted in strict accordance with the pick list of the order. On the basis of data of the pick list and in full accordance with accounting rules write-off orders on transfer of Inventories to production automatically form. As a result considerably (from 15-20 to 5 minutes) time of formation of the write-off order was reduced and at the same time the possibility of the errors arising owing to manual entry of large volume of data on component parts and materials is excluded.
Accounting of the cars which are on tests is automated. Accounting of cars by "garage" number is automated that allows to trace detailed history on all cars: receipt of cars and their input in operation, run of cars on tests, the carried-out completions (replacement of units) and repairs of samples, delivery on a warehouse on completion of tests and their further utilization or implementation.
Automation of waybills allowed to trace all course of the tests which are carried out on the specific car: the route passed by the car, time of tests. It allowed designers-researchers to get quickly access to necessary information on the rolling stock and to adjust timely planning of design works on tests of cars.
Accuracy of calculation of actual cost of the order increased. Detailed accounting of all component parts which are actually installed on the car, expenses connected with testing, participation in exhibitions, etc., allows to calculate most precisely actual cost of the order, to carry straight lines and to distribute overheads on all activities (Research and Development, serial maintenance, products, certification, etc.), to exclude wrong reference of costs for the closed or incorrect orders.
Existence in the system of up-to-date data about the prices and the nomenclature of component parts allowed to increase accuracy and to reduce time of calculation of actual cost of the order.
Estimating in general results of implementation the project manager Shamov V. A., notes gain of control of the production process course, increase in transparency of accounting and considerable decrease in labor input at stages of planning, release and testing of cars.