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McAfee Deep Defender

The name of the base system (platform): McAfee DeepSAFE
Developers: McAfee
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2011

McAfee Deep Defender is capable to detect almost any malicious software at the kernel level. The McAfee DeepSafe technology provides the unprecedented security level thanks to what can work even without the operating system (OS).

The release of the solution for security which involves the hardware became possible thanks to joint work of McAfee and Intel. The new solution is capable to block rootkits and the attacks of the APT format. With increase in number of threats, emergence of the purposeful attacks which are carried out before obtaining result new approach to personal data protection is necessary. This need became the reason of the consolidation McAfee and Intel whose joint work is directed to change of the principles of data protection by a join path program and the hardware in the uniform complex capable more effectively to resist to the attacks and to provide protection of each section of a computing continuum.

McAfee Deep Defender uses the McAfee DeepSafe technology protecting all data between the processor and the operating system is, according to developers, helps to protect the system software which is in RAM.

In addition to this McAfee Deep Defender provides: monitoring of OZU and the CPU in real time — the McAfee DeepSafe technology allows McAfee Deep Defender to reveal difficult detected malicious code, provides to administrators information on use of memory and the started processes and allows to execute blocking and restriction; detection of unknown viruses — McAfee Deep Defender it is not necessary to know a rootkit in order that to find it; protection against the known and unknown threats — McAfee Deep Defender will report, block, place in a quarantine and to delete the known and unknown and invisible viruses in their attempt to get to OZU (at detection of suspicious objects or unknown threats McAfee Deep Defender will send the copy of the code to McAfee Global Threat Intelligence network and will take actions set to it: blocking, treatment or premises quarantine); centralized operation of McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator — using the universal ePolicy Orchestrator console which is used also in other protective products McAfee users have an opportunity of convenient centralized operation and recording.