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Баннер в шапке 2

The project the intranet portal of internal communications in Metcombank entered an implementation phase

Customers: Metallurgical Commercial Bank (Metcombank)

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: QODA
Product: 1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal

Project date: 2011/10
Project's budget: More than 449,000 rubles руб.
Number of licenses: 1
The project team from the customerIntegrator Consultant
Avramenko Elena (Head of department of marketing and communications)
Vasin Yakov (Commercial director)

The project the intranet portal of internal communications in JSC Metcombank entered an implementation phase.

The company has multifilial, geographically spaced structure and a large number of employees. Organize effective interaction of employees in a common information space - the main objective of implementation.

As the platform the intranet portal the solution 1C-Bitrix the Corporate portal of edition "Holding" was selected.

Several iterations of implementation are supposed. At the first stage after start in commercial operation it is supposed to implement the main functionality of the solution during the first stage and to reveal all requirements to its completion on the basis of real business processes of the company.

On the following iteration implementation of changes is planned. Such approach allows to include as fast as possible the solution in working IT infrastructure of the company and step by step to adapt it for the changing business processes of the company, getting advantages of improvement of internal communications already today.

Preliminary project development and implementation are executed by QODA ( company integrator – "Gold certified" the partner of 1C-Bitrix company and internal IT service of the company.