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EVRAZ Group S.A. + 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Customers: EVRAZ Group S.A.

Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2009/02
Number of licenses: 200

In one of the world's largest vertically integrated metallurgical and mining companies "Evraz Group" creation of an accounting system on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform in which 200 users keep account for 16 service enterprises of holding came to the end.

A number of service divisions of industrial enterprises "Evraz Group" (repair, motor transportation, the enterprises of social services, etc. non-core assets) were selected in the independent organizations as a part of holding over time. For these companies the specialized enterprise which is also a part of Evraz Group is engaged in accounting. Implementation of a uniform technique of accounting of the company required an information system as which basis it was decided to take the 1C: Accounting 8 configuration. As the partner in automation the 1C: Accounting and Trade company (file) was invited.

In eight months a system in which accounting for 16 organizations "Evraz Group" located in Novokuznetsk and Nizhny Tagil is carried out was created and brought into operation. In a system 200 users work. At the same time accounting of separate divisions has the features: among the service enterprises there are non-profit organizations with specifics of accounting inherent to them; different VAT rates are applied; in a number of the organizations the UIIT on separate types of activity is also applied.

Data on all service divisions of holding are in a common information space that significantly facilitated work of accountants - processes of reporting, provided to the management of holding and in tax authorities became simpler. Accounting of holding had an opportunity to keep account on the basis of uniform methodology and a unified plan of accounts. As a result of automation the company management has quick access to credentials on activity of service divisions that facilitates the analysis and accelerates acceptance of management decisions.

Means were developed for directory synchronization of partners and the nomenclature of an accounting system with similar reference books in the corporate system of master data management existing in holding. Now only data are included in reference books, approved as the responsible person that provides centralized operation to their contents and allows to avoid duplication of information. Mechanisms of setup of templates of postings, completely configured closing of month are implemented that simplified internal maintenance of the created information system.

Works on expansion of functionality of a system for further implementation at other service enterprises of holding are at the moment conducted. In plans of holding for 2009 to transfer all main service enterprises to the created single accounting system.